Creating Windows Media Enhanced Podcasts

To create a Windows Media enhanced podcast, you need an app with support for Windows Media script editing. The free choice is Windows Media File Editor, which is bundled in the Windows Media Encoder download.

Windows Media Enhanced Podcast

Things to do to make those podcasts even more exciting.  Requires the audio be in .WMA format.  Should come out much like the enhanced podcasts favored by Apple and iTunes.  via Make

TinyDisk 1.0

TinyDisk is a file system that runs on top of link the TinyURL shortening service and similar services such as Nanourl. It provides a write-once-read-many anonymous, persistent, and globally shared filesystem. Once something is uploaded, only the database admin can delete it, everyone can read it, and no-one can know who created it. Project details for TinyDisk

Stuff like this is why you can’t stop folks from downloading the latest Britney song:)  There are some interesting possibilities with this sort of software.  Think of one time drop boxes, etc.

Podcasting Gaining Steam in Higher Ed

Students in the designated classes subscribe to the lectures by going to the CSS Web site and copying a link into their iTunes or a similar program. After that, the program automatically picks up each lecture after it’s recorded. The student simply goes to his or her personal computer, opens iTunes and either listens to it there or transfers it to a portable MP3 player. | University of Washington News and Information

Add U of Washington to the growing list of colleges and universities that are using podcasting as a tool for distributing course material to students.  It makes a lot of sense.  Here’s my question: what about law schools?  CALI is trying to provide law schools with tools to do this, but uptake seems to be limited.  I’m not sure why folks don’t want to try this technology now before they start getting battered by students and faculty who want it.  It is a bit frustrating.