Windows Vista Community: Windows Vista Beta 2 Customer Preview Program – Get it while it’s hot! Hint: you’ll need a DVD burner.
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Windows Vista Community: Windows Vista Beta 2 Customer Preview Program – Get it while it’s hot! Hint: you’ll need a DVD burner.
technorati tags:vista, microsoft
Blogged with Flock
Today’s mash-ups remind me of those Time magazine collages: all cutting and pasting, signifying nothing. – Portals- Why Getting the User To Create Web Content Isn’t Always Progress
Good piece. Puts the current mash-up craze into perspective. You could think of it this way: we all have access to cheap paper and pencils, that doesn’t make us writers or reporters or aritsts. I do write a mean shopping list. Just because the tools exist does not mean that everyone is a blogger or writer or reporter or artist. Now the lowere threshold for planet wide distribution that the net provides does mean that we may have a better chance of finding a blogger or writer or reporter or artist whose work we enjoy, but it doesn’t create that talent just provides an outlet.