To ‘cast or not to ‘cast. It seems to be a much hotter topic than it deserves to be these days. Here’s how it boils down. Are you producing media for the web: Yes/No. If you check the Yes box, why not create an RSS feed for it? If you check the No box, why aren’t you?
Peterson’s – a Nelnet Company–Syndication for Higher Ed » Podcasts Passe – Or were they ever “In”?
As usual, Dan asks a good question. I left him this comment:
One year ago we launched a simple service for law school faculty to create podcasts of lectures and course summaries at Now we have over 60 active bloggers and podcasters, more than 2500 hours of audio material, a lot of satisfied students. I think you need to look past the hype about podcasting and ask a basic question: is there value for the student in having this supplemental material? If the answer is yes, you can create an effective infrastructure for recording classes and summaries with less than $100 digital recorders and open source software. All the information on how we built Classcaster, including the software we used, is at
technorati tags:classcaster, cali, podcasting
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