Berkman Website Picks Up Journalism Award

The Knight-Batten Foundation awarded Global Voices Online, a citizen media project run by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, the Grand Prize for Innovations in Journalism.The Knight-Batten Awards spotlight the creative use of new information, ideas and technologies to involve citizens in public issues. They are administered by J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism at the University of Maryland.

Global Voices Online is Awarded the Grand Prize for Innovations in Journalism from the Knight-Batten Foundation – Berkman Center for Internet & Society

I hadn’t heard of Global Voices Online until I saw this announcemnt. From the Global Voices about page:

Our global team of regional blogger-editors is working to find, aggregate
and track these conversations. Each day they link to 5-10 of the most
interesting blog posts from their regions in the “daily roundups”
section. A larger group of contributing bloggers is posting daily
features in in the left-hand Weblog section, shedding light on what
blogging communities in their countries have been talking about

There is a lot of information here and the site provides an interesting alternative source for news and information about what is going on around the world.

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Take Your Windows With You

Creating a portable computing environment is not that difficult: just copy the portable applications you want to a USB stick or other removable media, and you’re good to go. However, if you want to make your daily portable computing more effective, you have to solve at least two problems: managing portable applications and synchronising data between the USB stick and your computer.

NewsForge | Two nifty open source tools for portable Windows computing

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Even Deans Blog on Classcaster

DeanWuBlog – Dean Frank Wu of Wayne State University Law School has been gearing up for the new law school academic year with his own Classcaster blog. No podcasts yet, but we are hopeful. It is refreshing to here from a Dean directly on matters such as faculty appointments. I do hope that other Deans round and about take notice and cruise on over to Classcaster setup their own blogs.

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Creating Permanent Arcival URLs for Use With Citations

Check out — a project run at the University of Toronto. The basic idea is to create a permanent URL for citations, so that when the Supreme Court, e.g., cites a webpage, there’s a reliable way to get back to the webpage it cited. They do this by creating a reference URL, which then will refer back to an archive of the page created when the reference was created. E.g., I entered the URL for my blog (“”). It then created an archive URL “”. Click on it and it should take you to an archive page for my blog.Why, you might ask, would you ever want to substitute that long ugly URL for the short and spiffy Well first, and most obviously if you’ve ever written something for publication, URLs are not always short and spiffy. Second, the point is to create an archive of a page at a particular moment.

Lawrence Lessig

This is a great idea, but as Prof. Lessig notes later in the piece, it does need to have some sort of guarentee of being permanent and not a dead-end. Also, the focus is on citation in scholarly works, but all web writing would benefit from some sort of permanent URI generater that would allow for the archiving and maintenance of links.

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links for 2006-09-08