IE Use Falls, FireFox, Opera Gain

Internet Explorer use worldwide has fallen below 80 percent in the United States to 79.78 percent, according to OneStat

BetaNews | Firefox Usage Passes 15 Percent in US

We’re seeing this at the CALI sites.  IE use is at about 80% and has been steadily falling from about 98% just 2 years ago.  One interesting tidbit from our site is that the MSFT XP / IE 6.x OS browser combo stands at just below 72% of our traffic.  That means just over one quarter of our visitors are not using the latest and greatest MSFT products to surf our site.

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$899 iMac for Education

Apple® today introduced a new $899 configuration of the 17-inch iMac® designed specifically for education customers featuring a 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo processor, a built-in iSight™ video camera and iLife® ‘06, the next generation of Apple’s award-winning suite of digital lifestyle applications. The 17-inch iMac for education is available immediately and will replace the eMac®, Apple’s last CRT based computer, providing students and teachers everything they need to learn and create in today’s digital classroom, all in the ultra-efficient iMac design.

Apple Introduces $899 Education Configuration for 17-inch iMac

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