Would Langdell Have Been A CALI Author?

Good question.  I found this article which does a good job
of describing Christopher Columbus Langdell’s contribution to legal education in America.  I
thought this quote was particularly interesting:

"Langdell’s innovations initially met with enormous resistance. Many
students were outraged. During the first three years of his
administration, as word spread of Harvard’s new approach to legal
education, enrollment at the school dropped from 165 to 117 students,
leading Boston University to start a law school of its own. Alumni were
in open revolt."

It’s hard to imagine today someone changing the way law is taught to
such an extent that the school loses a third of its students, but they
stick with it until it becomes the standard.  In a way, I think, CALI is
heralding such a sea change, but instead of it being focused on a single
school, we spread the risk out across the entire consortium. Lessons,
Classcaster, and, soon, eLangdell, taken together represent a change
every bit as challenging and revolutionary as the introduction of the
case method except that the changes introduced by CALI will not take 40
years to become the standard.

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ATT To Acquire BellSouth

"This merger is a logical next step that creates substantial value for customers and stockholders of both AT&T and BellSouth," said AT&T Chairman and CEO Edward E. Whitacre Jr.

SBC – News Room

Oh, it’s the next logical step alright.  So in 1984 ATT was split into 7 regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOC), with ATT getting the lon distance biz and some other stuff.  Now, a little over 20 years later, Ma Bell is back.  BellSouth was the last of the original RBOCs existing as it did when created in 1984, now it is just another cog in the great Bell machine once again.   ATT now consists of 4 of the 7 ROBOCs, what’s left of the LD biz and the largest wireless operation in the  country.  So much for competition and innovation.  I hope everyone still has there big black phone.


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Who’s Blogging the ABA TECHSHOW?

As always, this year’s ABA TECHSHOW conference features some of the finest speakers on legal technology. And like last year, many of those speakers are also bloggers. So I decided to continue the tradition started last year of listing the ABA TECHSHOW bloggers, in this month’s edition of The Strongest Links. You’ll no doubt recognize many of them as mainstays of the legal blogging world, but there are some new blogs in this year’s crop that are bound to catch your attention as well.

Law Practice Today | ABA TECHSHOW Bloggers

 TECHSHOW is like the CALI Conference for the real lawyer set.  I have heard that this year’s sessions may be podcast.  If it happens, that sudio would certainly be of interest ot some teknoids.


Talk to the Ether

Get your free Ether Phone Number. Set your rate. Set your hours.Your phone only rings when people pay to talk to you.

Ether: Earn money selling what you say.

Intriguing concept.  I do wonder about how this would really work though.  Is there a feed back system, some sort of karma, reputonics, something that helps me find just the right person to talk to.  I wonder if I could replicate something like this with Skype and Ebay?  And how does this scale for the seller?  I only have so much time to talkand it is a finite amount of time.  Of course if I get really good I could just keep raising my rates.

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