links for 2006-10-16
links for 2006-10-15
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Ottobib Ottomates Biblio Building
Ottobib – This cool site takes an ISBN and gives you the correct citation format for MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian style cites. You could use it to create a correctly formated bibliography. Once done, you get a URL that liks you to the list of citations you created. For example see Via Ehub.
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Blogged with Flock
links for 2006-10-13
Meedu offers simple, rock-solid hosting of academic podcasts. Host any media type and manage everything right from your browser.
Project by MIT student. Basically the same as Classcaster.
links for 2006-10-09
Law Prof Blogs Adds New Blogs
Law Librarian Blog: Law Professor Blogs Network Launches Several New Blogs – By my count that brings their total up to 34. Pretty good. For comparison, Classcaster has some 50 active bloggers at the moment, many of whom are also podcasting. Of course the focus of most CC blogs is course related, with content focused on the current course(s) the prof is teaching. There are some librarian run blogs with a broader education al focus.
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