links for 2007-12-12

  • This module makes it simple for a teacher to assign students to write on a topic and then for the writing to be read, commented on, and rated by other students.
  • Cyphesis is a WorldForge server suitable running small games. It is also designed by be used as an AI subsystem in a network of distributed servers. It includes a terrain engine based on the Mercator library, a persistence system based on PostgreSQL, and

Course Listing Apps on Facebook

Now that Facebook has opened up its pages to independent software developers, there are plenty of course-listing applications like this one floating around. And none of those tools seem especially popular: According to VentureBeat, the most widely-used course-listing tool has less than 3,300 “daily active users.” Applications like Courses might be useful, but their success will depend on whether students decide that Facebook is an academic tool, not just a social one.

Course-Listing Tools Hit Facebook –

This is a big issue.  CALI is building a space for law students and faculty that allows them to create and collaborate in an academic environment (see for a sneak peek).  I consider it to be an anti-social network:)  The point of the space I’m designing for CALI is to promote the education of law students and support the scholarship of law faculty.  Right now, this tends to be a bit of a solitary pursuit, but we hope that, given the tools, law students and faculty will adopt to the collaborative nature of the environment and being working together and sharing the results with each other and ultimately the world.  I’ll keep you posted.

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links for 2007-12-07