links for 2007-08-10
links for 2007-08-09
Kirix Strata is a new specialty browser for accessing and manipulating data from the web. View and work with data from web tables, CSV files and RSS feeds, integrate information from web services to create personal “desktop mashups,” browse and work with
links for 2007-08-07
links for 2007-08-04
links for 2007-08-03
Universities are using Web 2.0-style tools to tap into a generation’s lust for celebrity as they revamp learning and recruiting.Images: Web 2.0 enticements for coeds
links for 2007-08-02
includes a new rich text editor.
links for 2007-08-01
Grub started back in 2000 with a simple concept of distributing part of the search process pipeline: crawling. In a way, we were a bit ahead of our time, but our intention then was what it is now. We want to help fix search.
Now, with the help of Wikia, c