It will convert NellyMoser encoded FLV files to WAV, which you can then convert to MP3 or whatever else you’d like.
links for 2007-07-04
Great for gamers or kids with fun imaginations:)
links for 2007-07-03
links for 2007-07-02
Open Flash Chart is a program for creating Flash-based charts for Web pages. It can create line, area, and bar charts. It also includes a PHP class to help generate the data file used as input.
Launching Symphora to Bring Open Source Software to Law Schools
Symphora provides informational and educational technology services to law schools with a focus on helping law schools implement open source software solutions and providing IT management consulting.
Symphora | Bringing open source software to legal education
Yep, finally decided to do it. After tinkering around with the idea for a number of years, I’ve decided to try and generate a little side income from deploying and supporting open source software solutions for law schools. First up, a turn -key solution for student organizations based on Drupal:) Let me know if I can help you out.technorati tags:symphora
Blogged with Flock
What About Interupt Driven Project Management?
scottberkun.com » Blog Archive » Asshole driven development – This rather amusing article and its comments (be sure to read the comments) gives names to some the ‘development’ framworks we’ve been exposed to over the years. Give it a read and see how often you think, ‘been there, got the t-shirt’:) Via PHP Coding Practices.
Blogged with Flock
links for 2007-06-30
links for 2007-06-29
This card set has photos and information about some of the infectious diseases that CDC studies.
Zentation Launches Web-based Video, Powerpoint Mashup
Zentation.com – where Video and PowerPoint meet on the Web
Zentation offers the richest media on the web for video and presentations. Zentation provides a way to synchronize video uploaded to Google Video with your PowerPoint. Zentation’s patent pending technology allows for the easy synchronization of your video and graphics without any technical knowledge.
In a nutshell, upload you’re video to Google, your .ppt stack to Zentation and use their tools to sync the 2 sources. Yes, you do need to watch the whole video and insert the slides at the appropriate spot. The result is similar or the output of Microsoft Producer or Anystream Apreso but it does solve the hosting issue.
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