Access Eclipse From Firefox

alphaWorks : Web Browser-Based Interaction with the Eclipse IDE : Overview

This Eclipse plug-in requires an embedded Web server; the one we use is the Jetty Web server. The Web server receives requests from the browser client, interacts with the current Eclipse instance, and sends the response back to the browser client in the form of XUL. The Eclipse SWT widgets are mapped to XUL elements and rendered in the Mozilla browser.

Sounds pretty cool. Real trick is to see if it allows for 2 way interaction.

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Students Contribute to Wikipedia for Class

Prof replaces term papers with Wikipedia contributions, suffering ensues – Good idea, somewhat questionable execution.  Pluses include a sense of ownership of the topic, broader audience for students’ work; minuses include dealing with the Wikipedia community, learning the syntax, finding open topics.

Seems to me that a really good compromise here would be a another wiki, focused on student scholarship across disciplines.  Students contribute to fulfill course requirements and the world at large, as with  Wikipedia , is the audience.

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MySQL Gets Googlified

The search company has done a lot of work customizing MySQL to meet its special needs. Those efforts include improving database replication and adding tools to monitor a high volume of database instances

MySQL to get injection of Google code

Look for these additions in MySQL 6, expected in late 2008.  This will certainly add a lot to high availability and replication features of MySQL.

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