links for 2007-09-22
A personal board on Scriblink is a powerful tool that enables you to connect privately with friends to collaborate. Whether it be for pure artistic enjoyment or more practical matters, Scriblink brings you the power of free hand expression with anyone at
Plugoo enables you to chat directly from your Instant Messenger with any visitor of your blog, personal webpage or e-sales site.
JWChat is a full featured, web-based Jabber™ client. Written using AJAX technology it relies on JavaScript and HTML at the client-side only.
Google CSE on the fly
Google Custom Search: Custom Search on the fly
if you have a blog or a directory-like site and don’t feel like listing all of the URLs you want to search across, you can leave the work to us. With this new feature we’ll automatically generate and update your CSE for you.
Great for those pages that are piles of links, like the CALI Law School Directory.
Powered by ScribeFire.
links for 2007-09-20
Cyberience Project Manager is a web based application for assisting in the management and organisation of a project based business. To use the application you will need to be able to use PHP in conjunction with a MySQL database.
Keep track of what is going on in Congress through a series of widgets.
links for 2007-09-09
links for 2007-09-07
CoScripter is a system for recording, automating, and sharing processes performed in a web browser such as printing photos online, requesting a vacation hold for postal mail, or checking bank account information.
Google Turns Books Loose
Books often live a vibrant life offline, and through digitization Google Book Search tries to help them live an even more exciting life online through full text search. Today we’re launching some new features that go beyond search so you can collect, share, and discover new books.
Official Google Blog: Collect, share, and discover books
It is nice to see Google providing useful access to the mass of text they have collected. These new tools will enable all manner of interesting uses for the data in these books.
links for 2007-09-06
- was built as a fun place to study, share and discover knowledge – a community where you can connect with people having specialized knowledge for subjects in higher education.
links for 2007-09-05
fodder for eLangdell?
Using Google CSE to Build Domains of Practice.
Custom Search, Domains of Practice – fascianting piece on the potential use of Google Custom Search Engines to build domains of practice. Of course I’ve already built one, sleeping away as the CALI Law School Search. It is driven by a set of URLs of law school websites. It works well as a single search across American law schools. I use it to track down IT info about law schools.
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