The TouchGraph Google Browser reveals the network of connectivity between websites, as reported by Google’s database of related sites.
Dioscuri is an x86 computer hardware emulator written in Java. It is designed by the digital preservation community to ensure documents and programs from the past can still be accessed in the future.
Because Everyone Needs a Screenplay!
Plotbot is web-based screenwriting software. You can write your script with as many or as few people as you want—there’s nothing to install, it’s free, and it’s easy to use!
links for 2007-09-03
PodAdmin is a very simple web-based podcast manager. Upload your new episode via a web form, PodAdmin will then grab the title and description from the ID3 tags and generate a new RSS feed on your website.
links for 2007-09-02
PSYCLE is a Music Creation Studio, using a tracker interface.
It can be used to make any type of music, using either its native plugins (synths and effects), VST2 plugins (synths and effects), internal sampler and effects and .wav files through the sample -
VMUKTI is Social Web 2.0 Multi-Party conference software for Web & Mobile users. Requires no download & very little server bandwidth & processing power. Allows to mix & match A/V & Presence modules for online customized collaboration service delivery.
CS 685 @ Cornell: The Structure of Information Networks
The past decade has seen a convergence of social and technological networks, with systems such as the World Wide Web characterized by the interplay between rich information content, the millions of individuals and organizations who create it, and the technology that supports it. This course covers recent research on the structure and analysis of such networks, and on models that abstract their basic properties. Topics include combinatorial and probabilistic techniques for link analysis, centralized and decentralized search algorithms, network models based on random graphs, and connections with work in the social sciences.
The Structure of Information Networks (Jon Kleinberg)
Just following along with the reading for this course would be interesting. Most of the stuff is on the net, but you could certainly get your hands on the rest through any university library.
links for 2007-09-01
Xapian is an Open Source Search Engine Library, released under the GPL. It’s written in C++, with bindings to allow use from Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Tcl, C#, and Ruby (so far!)
Façade is an artificial intelligence-based art/research experiment in electronic narrative – an attempt to move beyond traditional branching or hyper-linked narrative to create a fully-realized, one-act interactive drama.
Is that a Cluster in Your Pocket?
Microwulf is a personal, portable Beowulf cluster, providing over 26 Gflops of measured performance, for less than $2500. Its dimensions are just 11″ x 12″ x 17″, making it small enough to fit on one’s desktop or in a suitcase.
Microwulf: A Personal, Portable Beowulf Cluster
I so want ot build one of these. I can think of a couple of things that will need a lot of processing power that would be useful to do. Like proccessing very large piles of cases.Federal Court Audio Available on Internet
The Administrative Office of the Courts announcedin a press release of 8/6/2007 that the U.S. District Court inNebraska and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the EasternDistrict of North Carolina will make some digital audio recordingsof courtroom proceedings available on the Internet. The U.S.District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the U.S.Bankruptcy Court in Maine, and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court forthe Northern District of Alabama are also planning to participatein the pilot project.
BarclayBlog: Two Courts Offer Digital Audio Recordings Online
It will be interesting to see how this develops.
links for 2007-08-29
good for design ideas
use any widgets on your desktop. Also for Mac.
Creative Commons is Looking for Open Education Resources
Open Education Search – The Hewlett Foundation is working with ccLearn to develop a web search portal of open education resources. And they are looking for material. I wonder how 4,000 hours of law school class lectures and summaries would work? I think we’re going to find out.
From the Open Education Search FAQ
What data are you gathering to enable web-scale open education search?
Most important: Site URLs
We are collecting top level URLs for sites hosting OERs. A well-known example would be http://ocw.mit.edu
. A web-scale open education search should minimally index all pages under such a site URL.Resource URLs
We are also collecting individual resource URLs, for example http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-01TFall-2004/CourseHome/
.We are interested in individual resource URLs even where we have a siteURL for the resource’s host, as the resource URL may be annotated morespecifically.Keyword annotations (also known as tags, labels, and subjects, among others)
Both types of URLs may be tagged (or whatever verb you prefer) with keywords. This is optional but desired. How can I ensure that my OERs are included?
If you have lists of OERs or OER sites in any textualformat (that includes XML and XML dialects, such as OAI), we can importfrom these formats. Send the file(s) or URL(s) to Creative Commons CTONathan Yergler: nathan@creativecommons.org. An example would be a URL pointing to an OAI file. It is very likely in this example that we can use
values as tags.Contacts
For purely technical questions, see Nathan Yergler above. For allother questions, contact ccLearn Executive Director Ahrash Bissell: ahrash@creativecommons.org.
technorati tags:Hewlett_Foundation, CreativeCommons, ccLearning, Classcaster, CALI