Krut is a screencast tool, written in Java, well suited for making video tutorials (instructional videos) on most platforms. Krut records movie files of selected parts of your screen in the quicktime mov format, including sound. The program has an intuitive and compact user interface.
a web portal bringing together its resources for teacher in a single place at loc.gov/teachers. It’s a new, easy-to-find center just one click away from the Library’s homepage.
186 articles from U of Kansas law faculty.
Using the excellent phpCAS library, we have created a small Drupal module to allow single sign-on with CAS.
phpCAS is a fantastic library for integrating Central Authentication Services into PHP applications. The library is well-documented and is licensed under the LGPL. CAS is a Java-based single sign-on solution originally developed at Yale and later placed under the auspices of JA-SIG (Java Architectures – Special Interest Group). CAS has quickly become the most popular single sign-on solution for universities. In its most simple use (CAS can also proxy single sign-on), CAS authenticates users and sends the user to the requested application with a ticket. The application is then responsible for authenticating the ticket (behind the scenes, with a tool like cURL) and automatically logging the user in if the ticket is valid.