Free Chick-fil-A meal on July 10, Just Dress As a Cow!

Chick-fil-A Inc. will give a free meal to customers who come to any of its restaurants on July 10 dressed as a cow.

The giveaway is part of the Atlanta-based chain’s fifth-annual Cow Appreciation Day, which honors its “Eat Mor Chikin” Cows.

In a related promotion, parents can enter photos of their cow-clad children as part of a “Show Us the Cow” online photo contest, for a chance to win a $1,000 U.S. Savings Bond. Between now and Aug. 31, children ages 10 and younger are encouraged to work with an adult to submit creative photos of themselves dressed as cows. The contest Web site,, has details about uploading photos for the contest.

via Free Chick-fil-A meal on July 10 – Atlanta Business Chronicle: .

Finally a contest I can actually win 🙂 I’ll be putting together that cow suit and getting the free meal.

links for 2009-06-23

Colabolo – Product

Colabolo is a software service that helps coordinate the execution of tasks by your team. Use it with your team to delegate, track and communicate on issues and get them done, without using email, spreadsheets or meetings. With Colabolo, the current assignee and status of all issues become transparent and everyone is always in sync. It is simple to use and boosts your team’s productivity.

via Colabolo – Product.

Picked this up on TechCrunch. This team task manager in built on AIR and uses push to keep the clients in sync, eliminating email. In beta right now the client and service are free. It is expected to cost $9.99/user/month.

links for 2009-06-20

Google Books Updated

Google has made a number of improvements to the functionality of Google Books that should make it easier for users to search for and share information. Users can now embed pages to books found in the online book repository on their own websites, link friends directly to specific pages, and have an easier time searching and browsing for content within the books.

via Google Books updated, gets new embedding, browsing features – Ars Technica.

Need to take a closer look at the availability of historical legal materials both primary and secondary with an eye toward integration in the CALI website.

WiMax Turns ATL into a Giant Hotspot

The system, which took two and a half years to install, has been quietly up and operating for about six weeks.

Unlike free wi-fi access that has been available for years at restaurants and public buildings around Atlanta, Clear isn’t free. To hook up a lap top requires a special USB modem, for $59.99. There’s a $35 activation fee, and service subscription rates that start at $10 a day and go to $50 a month.

But the WiMax technology is three or four times as fast as computer Internet access from air cards through companies such as AT&T and Verizon, says the company, and every bit as fast as home DSL lines.

via WiMax turns metro Atlanta into giant wireless hotspot |

May have to give this a try.

Google Voice: All Your Call Are Belong to Us!

That means you can switch your mobile number to Google and then just use whatever device you happen to have in your hand to receive calls. That’s an extremely powerful feature for Google Voice.

Outbound calls from those devices will still show whatever phone number is assigned to it, though. But Google has that covered, too. We’ve learned that they are preparing to launch apps for the major smartphone platforms that will automatically route outbound calls through Google Voice. That means whoever you call will see your Google Voice number as the caller.

via Google Voice’s Secret Weapon: Number Portability .

These are great features that may make Google Voice the killer app for telephony. Stay tuned.