In Atlanta October 6 at Southeastern Railway Museum
The Browscap module provides a replacement for PHP's get_browser() function. get_browser() is difficult (or impossible) to configure for most users in shared webhosting situations, and requires attention to keep the underlying data (browscap.ini) up-to-date. This module avoids the configuration issue by storing the data in a database table, and the freshness issue by automatically retrieving the latest data on a weekly basis (if cron.php is run regularly).
CSS2 stuf to control the printing output of HTML pages. Very basic, but helpful.
Westlaw & Courtroom Connect Partner to Capture Courtroom Video
Many state court systems now permit live streaming video of court proceedings via the Internet to interested parties. The equipment used by Westlaw and its partner Courtroom Connect does not interfere with court proceedings; it typically consists of one compact, stationary video camera on a tripod, a video encoder that enables the video signal to be sent over the Internet, an audio mixer, and a device that transmits the signal. With the exception of the camera, all of the equipment can fit on a small table. It usually takes about four hours to install and test the equipment. To webcast proceedings live, a separate Internet connection can be installed in order to prevent any disturbance to the court’s Internet connection.
via Westlaw Wants Your Video Records.
Interesting development. This press release is from March 2009, but Carl Malamud just twittered about it. I’ll look into this a bit more, but it looks like this partnership is making video record of trials, which are generally public, and then selling the footage. Some portions are available for free, but full coverage is only for paying customers. Sounds like a 21st century update of the way West gained a virtual monopoly on the print opinions of courts in the late 19th and early 20th century, a monopoly that is only now being broken.
I’ve taken a quick look at the stuff on the Courtroom Connect site and this is not rocket science. They are placing a web cam in the courtroom and streaming the video back to a Microsoft server. Pretty straight forward and something that could be handled in house or by an organization that would provide the content for free.
Disney’s A Christmas Carol Train Tour Hits Atlanta October 6
Disney is pulling out all the whistle stops and taking its show on the road with a spectacular immersive and interactive 40-city train tour including a 3D sneak peek of film footage from the upcoming movie “Disney’s A Christmas Carol,”…Among the highlights of the tour are authentic artifacts on loan from the Charles Dickens Museum of London; artwork, costumes and props from the film; demonstrations of performance capture technology; and a chance to morph your face into one of the film’s characters using HP TouchSmart PCs. At each stop along the way, a state-of-the-art Disney Digital 3D Theatre will be erected, where guests can get a sneak peek of “Disney’s A Christmas Carol” and see other exclusive behind-the-scenes materials from the movie.
Disney’s A Christmas Carol Train Tour
This special will be in Atlanta on Tuesday October 6, 2009 at the Southeastern Railway Museum. Visiting the train is free.
Table Wizard Not Going to Cut It on CALI Website
Now, as for linking with nodes – that is not supported at this time. Is this your primary question? I’m going to assume that it’s the main issue you’re facing and turn this into a feature request – at the moment, there’s no way to define relationships between Table Wizard-managed tables and tables integrated with Views by other modules (such as the node table). Supporting that will take some work…
via Allow relationships to other views-enabled tables | drupal.org.
OK, so we imported CALI Lessons into Drupal as nodes. Now I’ve got the table that tracks when folks run those Lessons. It has about 4.4 million rows and contains what is effectively relational data: ids for Lessons, People, etc, and run data: time of run, questions answered, etc. So we were hoping to use Table Wizard to surface the data in Views2 and combine it with Lesson node info to produce nifty pages for people to see the Lessons they have run. But as noted above TW doesn’t support building relationships between TW-managed tables and existing Views tables, so no way to link the nid in the LessonRun table with the nid in the node table or the uid in LessonRun with the uid in the users table with the nifty Views2 interface. Looks like I’ll just need to code it in.
Pace Environmental Law Review Goes to Peer Review, But Still No Online Edition
As of August 1, 2009, Pace Environmental Law Review (PELR) will use a new Peer Review process to select articles for publication. Submissions will be reviewed internally and then forwarded to a select group of Peer Reviewers – academics, practitioners, and experts in the field, including members of Pace Law School’s world-renowned environmental law faculty. The Peer Review process will offer new and distinctive opportunities to foster continued debate and reflection upon some of the most pressing topics within the field of environmental law.
via Pace Environmental Law Review Announces Shift to Peer Review « Feminist Law Professors.
A step in the right direction for law reviews. Their peer review FAQ is here. Now if PELR would publish on the web in an open format, that would really put them in the forefront. The “archive” link on the PELR website redirects to HeinOnline and requires a login for access. Maybe sign the Durham Statement and get those web publications going.
links for 2009-06-12
eScape is a free Open Office Writer to ePub creator. It lets you instantly and effortlessly turn Open Office Writer documents (ODT) into perfect ePubs ready to share with your friends. eScape the print book hegemony and go e-book first, with eScape. It's easier than you think.
links for 2009-06-11
links for 2009-06-10
brings mailhandler into OG
sers are given the option to send an invitation along with a specific role.
Assigning roles and responsibilities while inviting friends is very important.
This module gives you the additional flexibility of assigning a role for
the invitee right at the time of sending the invitation. -
Wysiwyg API allows to use client-side editors (a.k.a. WYSIWYG editors) for editing content. It simplifies installation of editors and allows you to define which editor to use depending on the input format. This module replaces all existing editor integration modules and no other Drupal module is required.
Synchronisation framework for drupal.
Basic will include synchronisation options for nodes, users and taxonomy
ALL-SIS Teams With SSRN to Co-Sponsor Legal Information and Technology eJournal
ALL-SIS has agreed to co-sponsor the Legal Information and Technology eJournal (http://www.ssrn.com/update/lsn/lsn_legal-info-tech.html) on SSRN for the next three years. The eJournal was launched in January of 2009 and is co-edited by ALL-SIS members Randy Diamond, (diamondrj@missouri.edu) Director of Library and Technology Resources and Associate Legal Research Professor of Law at the University of Missouri Columbia and Lee Peoples, (lpeoples@okcu.edu) Associate Professor of Law Library Science and Associate Director of the Law Library at Oklahoma City University.
via ALL-SIS | ALL-SIS to Co-sponsor SSRN’s Legal Information and Technology eJournal.
The journal will present work on many aspects of legal information and technology. The full Legal Information & Technology library is browsable here.
links for 2009-06-09
Complete is a simple module to instruct your users to perform certain actions in your website. It keeps track of the completeness of these actions. Complete harvests the power of rules to configure the kind of actions a user has to perform, and integrates with views for displaying the actions.
Using the HTML 5 video tag.