Page includes links to listings of Linux software arranged by topic. Very handy.
Top Terms is a lightweight module designed to find popular terms on a site. These can be displayed as a simple block or used by other modules.
Popularity is measured by summing page hits for each article tagged with a term. It collects these results on a scheduled basis and caches them for better performance. The block display can easily be overridden by adding the following template files to your theme:
links for 2009-10-31
links for 2009-10-30
links for 2009-10-28
hdiutil create -size 140g -fs HFS+J -volname "Backup of magpie" magpie_0016cbaf91d7.sparsebundle
defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1
links for 2009-10-24
Free PC app for the Kindle will soon be downloadable | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home
“Kindle for PC features Amazon’s Whispersync technology that automatically saves and synchronizes bookmarks and last page read across devices. Whether you read Kindle books on a Kindle, Kindle DX, or one of the free Kindle applications, you can always have your reading with you and never lose your place. With Kindle for PC, you can read some on your PC, read some on your Kindle, and always pick up right where you left off. Whispersync helped make the Kindle for iPhone application the most popular books app in the Apple App Store.”
via Free PC app for the Kindle will soon be downloadable | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home.
It was inevitable and seems timed right to get Kindle content onto PCs just as the nook hits and competition heats up in the p-book market. Now if they would only deal with other formats and that pesky DRM.
links for 2009-10-22
links for 2009-10-18
the latest and greatest version of FCKeditor
Sequential presentation of any of your site nodes, using fade effect based on ajax asynchronous calls.
links for 2009-10-15
links for 2009-10-13
The official spec
beginner's guide to Oauth