Make Music For Free With a Linux Audio Workstation

Linux isn’t the easiest platform to use when it comes to music production. But it is one of the most flexible, and there’s no argument against it being the cheapest. This is particularly important if you have a musical bent, because few musicians are lucky enough to be able to freely spend money on their passion, making Linux the perfect choice. And regardless of price, if you don’t mind a little GUI graft and a slightly steeper learning curve, audio software on Linux can compete with the best commercial developments. PureData can replace Max/MSP, for example. Audacity can replace Wavelab. Either Muse or Rosegarden can take a fair crack at Logic or Cubase’s crown.Tux, eh? He gets everywhere. In this case he\’s made his way inside our collection of valuable music equipment. Pesky penguin. But the most mature and capable application in the Linux canon is Ardour. It’s the free software equivalent to the industry standard ProTools. It doesn’t have MIDI, nor ProTools’ hardware lock-in, but it’s just as flexible and stable when it comes to audio recording, editing, mixing and mastering. Which means, if you’re into making music, there’s no better option on a budget.

via Make Music For Free | PC Plus.

Finally an article that does a reasonable job explaining how Jack, Ardour, Hydrogen and more work together to create a pretty cool digital audio workstation.

links for 2010-07-09

  • Puppet was born to automate repetitive tasks and to give system administrators a flexible framework to build on. Puppet is written in Ruby, and comprises a configuration language to write manifests and modules, daemons to run the Puppet instructions on managed systems and to coordinate machines that are using Puppet, and a dashboard to help visualize your systems and create reports.
  • This module adds settings to the taxonomy autocomplete. You can configure an autocomplete widget for a vocabulary to set its autocompletion by matching anything in the searched string or by match the beginning of a searched string.

links for 2010-07-08

  • This extensible module will create fields for node content types that can be used to display video, image, and audio files from various third party providers. When entering the content, the user will simply paste the URL or embed code from the third party, and the module will automatically determine which content provider is being used. When displaying the content, the proper embedding format will be used.

    The module is only an engine, and requires a supported module to function. These include 'Embedded Image Field', 'Embedded Video Field' and 'Embedded Audio Field'. These modules are included in the contrib folder of the module, so they can be easily activated from the module administration page.

  • ConcourseConnect is a social networking platform. You can build social networking sites including corporate intranets, business community add-on sites, enthusiast sites, business or product directory sites (like a chamber of commerce or yellow pages), or even stand-alone Web sites. Features include a full range of Web 2.0 tools: ratings, reviews, wiki, blog, comments, discussion forums, an ideas engine, and more. Users begin by creating a rich profile and joining groups. It is perfect for internal collaboration or as a customer feedback forum. The portal framework allows developers to plug in custom portlets and themes.
  • Automatically converts all node forms to enable HTML5 Drag and Drop File API support. It currently works only with Drupal core's attachment/upload module, and the CCK Filefield module. No configuration is required, it should just-work™ out of the box.

    Note, this currently only works in Firefox.

links for 2010-07-05

  • The wiki has become the clear choice for use among projects for their help documentation. Wiki Web Help takes the wiki concept and tailors it for use specifically with help documentation. It combines the best of both worlds, with operation similar to a chm viewer and the Web technologies that enable community involvement. It features a dual split pane with tabs for searching, index browsing, and display of contents (in a tree). Users can create and modify topics and pages. Pages can be tagged for index creation. Searching with highlighting is included.

links for 2010-07-04

links for 2010-07-02

  • Cysphere is an integrated social networking server for smaller virtual communities. It provides a private mailbox, public and private discussion forums, and simple file sharing, and makes it as simple as possible for users to communicate over the Web in a secure way. It includes an embedded Web server and SQL database and requires no installation or maintenance.
  • The Page Syndication module works in conjunction with Panels and CTools to create content that other sites can embed with a single line of JavaScript. Content can take the form of just about anything that can be put on a Panels pages, including polls, quizzes, forms or a calendar.