links for 2010-08-18
ShURLy is a URL shortening service implemented as a module for Drupal.
links for 2010-08-11
TCPDF is a popular open source PHP library that lets you create PDF documents. Its flexibility and versatility lets you create even complex color documents featuring whatever fonts and graphics you need. TCPDF is written entirely in PHP and does all of this PDF magic without requiring any external libraries. This article introduces you to TCPDF, then walks you through reproducing a simple HTML invoice in a downloadable PDF file.
links for 2010-08-10
SWField provides an "Flash" widget type to CCK. This modules leverages the functionality of FileField and behaves nearly identically. SWField widgets will give you a nice thumbnail preview of the movie when uploaded. Display options (formatters) within CCK are provided by SWF Tools, a module which this one dependends on. While a few formatters could have been implemented natively in this module, it has been chosen to depend on SWF Tools because this leaves open a handful of options to improve the widget in the future, such as the support for a HTML alternative, support for movie players, to mention a few.
Google’s Book Count Not Really a Book Count Per Se
But the problem with Googles count, as is clear from the GBS count post itself, is that GBSs metadata collection is a riddled with errors of every sort. Or, as linguist and GBS critic Goeff Nunberg put it last year in a blog post, Googles metadata is “train wreck: a mish-mash wrapped in a muddle wrapped in a mess.”
via Googles count of 130 million books is probably bunk.
Good article pointing out the problems with 130,000,000 books number put out in a Google blog post last week. The bottom line is that the number represents Google’s best guess at a count of what it considers books based on flawed and incomplete meta data records it has on hand. As relayed to us by a software engineer.
links for 2010-08-03
Custom Registration allows you to create custom registration forms for your site. This means you can have multiple user registration forms that fill different needs and roles. Using this module with content profile and cck you can have any number of different fields on your registration forms.
links for 2010-07-29
OpenScholar represents a paradigm shift in how the personal academic and research web sites are created and maintained. Built on the open-source framework Drupal, OpenScholar makes it possible to create academic web sites in a matter of seconds. Each web site comes with a suite of powerful tools from which users can facilitate the creation, distribution, and preservation of knowledge faster and more efficiently than ever before.
OpenScholar allows users to create genuine, feature-rich web sites on the fly in seconds and is designed to host an unlimited number of web sites on a single installation.
links for 2010-07-28
Use this to install Asterisk 1.4 or 1.6 to Centos 5
links for 2010-07-26
provides a way to limit, sort of, the openid providers you use.
links for 2010-07-23
DXMPP creates a themeable browser chat client for an XMPP server.
At its core, it uses the Strophe library to connect via long AJAX pulls (aka Comet) to an XMPP server. Users are automatically registered and associated w/ Drupal users, and it also automatically synchronizes User Relationships.