The account_sync module allows you to synchronize drupal user account data across multiple Drupal sites. It currently supports only the most basic account information such as roles, email address, and password.
This module uses XMLRPC to transmit data between sites when updates are made so there's no need to have your sites running on the same database, server, or on the same subdomain.
Alternative module for controlling breadcrumbs.
links for 2010-07-03
Enabling Compiz Fusion On An Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop (NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200) – Page 2
links for 2010-07-02
Cysphere is an integrated social networking server for smaller virtual communities. It provides a private mailbox, public and private discussion forums, and simple file sharing, and makes it as simple as possible for users to communicate over the Web in a secure way. It includes an embedded Web server and SQL database and requires no installation or maintenance.
The Page Syndication module works in conjunction with Panels and CTools to create content that other sites can embed with a single line of JavaScript. Content can take the form of just about anything that can be put on a Panels pages, including polls, quizzes, forms or a calendar.
links for 2010-07-01
Robert Douglass on Solr and other Search Back Ends For Drupal
Apache Solr is a powerful and flexible mechanism for performing site search on a Drupal site. Join us as we talk with Robert Douglass about all things Solr in Drupal, including new features and functionality and future development plans. Also, as a bonus, you will hear Robert use the word “de-baconify” in the context of Solr and Drupal.
Acquia Podcast 16: Robert Douglass on Apache Solr and other Search Back Ends Acquia.
This podcast covers mush that is going on with Drupal, Solr, and search in general. Lots of good, current information.
links for 2010-06-30
Provides integration between for the Plupload widget to upload multiple files and Drupal. Plupload is a GPL licensed multiple file uploading tool that can present widgets in Flash, Gears, HTML 5, Silverlight, BrowserPlus, and HTML4 depending on the capabilities of the client computer.
links for 2010-06-29
Kindle Gets Audio/Video… On the iPad and iPhone
Amazon just introduced a audio and video to the Kindle, but the only way to experience the new Kindle multimedia books is on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. A baker’s dozen of titles already come in multimedia editions, including Rick Steves’ travel guides, Best of the Beatles For Acoustic Guitar, and Bird Songs: 250 North American Birds In Song.
via TechCrunch – Amazon Introduces A Video/Audio Kindle . . . But Only On The iPad And iPhone.
Interesting development., but a couple of things are worth noting here. First the entire collection of multimedia editions numbers just 13 indicating this may be a test as much as anything else. Second, while it seems odd that they would sell ebooks that have features that aren’t usable on the Kindle, think of it as simply expanding their market by offering more ebooks to a wider market by including other features.
Think of it this way, a Kindle now costs $189. For your money you get what is considered the industry standard in readers. A great device for reading fiction and non-fiction works that are primarily text. It is a device that is aimed at casual reading and it works very well for that.
Of course text is hardly the only content type that can be used effectively in ebooks. By their very nature ebooks can be multimedia works incorporating color graphics, images, audio, and video. Amazon knows this and they also now that selling those works requires a platform that is different than the Kindle. No problem, the Kindle software turns your iPad or iPhone into a Kindle and it will handle multimedia quite well. So, Amazon offers audio and video enhanced ebooks for the Kindle on the iPad/iPhone. If you want ebooks with those features get your self the more expensive iPad[1], starting at $499, and buy those books Amazon.
I think this move is really designed to enhance the Kindle app and make it more appealing than Apple’s own iBooks. No need to have 2 separate accounts for your ebooks, just use the Kindle for all your ebook needs. Of course I would expect that we will see the multimedia features of the Kindle app turn up on the Windows and Mac versions of the software. And at some point Amazon will introduce a color Kindle of some kind.
[1] Yes, you can get the features on the Kindle iPhone, I suspect that you will find it more satisfying on the iPad.
links for 2010-06-26
This module provides the standard core user login block in a form that can be incorporated into an external website, for example by using the HTML <object> or <iframe> tags.
This module is very small and lightweight.
It provides a way to assign a cascading style sheet to the form as presented to allow its appearance to fit with the website in which it is incorporated. Already authenticated users are presented with a link to the Drupal site with a user selectable text message.
U of IL Library Project Archives Computer Games
Sometime this August, librarians at the University of Illinois will finish archiving over a dozen famous computer games, then step back to consider where to go next with their project. These programs go back over four decades, and include a 1993 version of Doom, various editions of Warcraft, and even MIT’s Spacewar! circa 1962.
Ars Technica – Saving “virtual worlds” from extinction.
Now this is the sort of digital preservation I could get into. It will interesting to see how they solve all the issues around hardware dependency that comes with these old games, “[W]hat we’re trying to do is preserve not only the games, but preserve the knowledge that you would need to create a virtualization platform to play the game.” Big job for librarians. Seems like figuring out how to keep copies of digital texts around should be a walk in the park after this.