links for 2010-06-09

  • Allow to add steps to any node create/edit/add form.
    CCK fields and groups can be assigned to any step.
    Form is submitted only at last step (not like multistep module do).
    Navigation button at the top of form show current, submitted and unsubmitted steps with different styles so user can see what he did and what he should do to finish.
    And the main difference to multistep module – forms values are stored in $form_state['storage'] (not in database) so we do it in Drupal way!
    (tags: drupal module)

links for 2010-06-07

  • This module provides a simple integration of the Google Wave Embed API by creating a node type "google wave".

    Just grab the id of the wave you want to publish on your drupal site, create a new google wave node and enter the id there. Afterwards click save and you're done.

links for 2010-06-03

links for 2010-05-25

links for 2010-05-24

  • This module provide users to upload PDF document in any content type. The uploaded PDF document will automatically convert into plain text in the body field of the content type. This will make it easier for users to edit it. Besides it searching will be easy and document need not to be downloaded every time to view it.

Writing For A WordPress Blog Using OPML Editor

Ok, the theory is that I can use this tool in Oppie (the OPML Editor does need a cute nickname!) to write posts for my WordPress blog, If this works, I’ve got a bunch of interesting ideas for Classcaster.

I assume that each section of the outline will translate into a new paragraph. If so, this is the second paragraph. I suppose it may turn up as a bullet point too.

How about some links:

OPML Editor
Using OPML Editor and WordPress together.

links for 2010-05-22

  • represents a complete rewrite of the original CommentPress code, turning it from a theme into a plugin and adding a great deal of power, flexibility and nuance. Out of the box, is designed to handle a self-contained document (rather than a continuous blog), but it could be tweaked to do just about anything, even running selectively for certain categories within a larger blog. Like we say, it’s flexible.

links for 2010-05-21

  • This project contains code for a video capture utility capable of capturing presentations. It captures vga output and audio and mixes them together to produce a video thus enabling you to capture great presentations, demos, or training material easily.
  • Anonymous Contact allows people that are not logged into the site to contact users via e-mail via a contact form. I had a look around for this and was surprised to find there weren't any modules that already handled this. I did find interest in it though so hopefully this module will see a bit of use.
    (tags: drupal module)