adds "Save to Word" link at bottom of selected node types.
For posting nodes form any page on the web.
links for 2010-04-01
DIASER is for long term digital archive storage, it securely…
1) Accumulates
2) Replicates
3) ManagesAn advanced disk based backup volume accumulator, replication and management system for HE and SME. A quick and low-cost way to make an environment more robust and data more accessible by archiving in multiple places. This replication also provides fast retrieval of archived data from all node hosting locations. A Perl installer creates the system.
Worth Noting, It Isn’t All About BigLaw: Rural lawyers a luxury in Georgia
Not that Georgia is in short supply of lawyers. There are more than 28,200 of them actively practicing in the Peach State, according to the State Bar of Georgia. But roughly 19,500 of those lawyers — 69 percent — practice in the core metro Atlanta counties of Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton and Gwinnett.
That leaves about 8,700 practicing lawyers sprinkled across Georgia’s remaining 154 counties. In fact, 35 of those counties have fewer than four practicing lawyers, and some have none at all.
via Rural lawyers a luxury in Georgia | ajc.com.
Yes, law school is expensive. Yes, BigLaw jobs are hard to come by. No, demand for legal services is not declining. Our society is more complex than ever and there is a huge need for lawyers to deal with the complexity. Of course lawyers who make the decision to actually help folks don’t make $140K+ to start, so it’s a hard sell for young lawyers who have racked up $100K in loans to get through law school.
I don’t want to get into why law school is so expensive or why the cost has risen so much so rapidly (how many law schools had marketing departments 15 years ago?), but I do have some advice for anyone thinking about law school. America needs more lawyers, but not more BigLaw lawyers. We need more lawyers who are interested in serving people with legal problems. If your interest is in representing regular people with regular legal problems, skip the top schools. Find a school close to where you want to practice, figure out how to maximize financial aid and minimize loans. Always keep in mind that you are in law school to serve your future clients, not win the lottery. Find a local attorney in solo practice or a small firm and become an “apprentice” to learn about the practice of law. Spend as much time as you can following these folks around. When you graduate, study for the local bar. Continue your apprenticeship and when you pass the bar, you’ll be ready to hang up your single.
This path is actually not new, I knew a few people who were doing this sort of thing when I was in law school at Syracuse 20 years. And, as far as I know, they are still out there practicing in places were they are really needed.
links for 2010-03-31
Memonaut is an application which helps you collect and organize your notes and ideas. It is a browser-based, offline program which does not require anything else to be installed.
links for 2010-03-30
Memonaut is an application which helps you collect and organize your notes and ideas. It is a browser-based, offline program which does not require anything else to be installed.
Apache reverse proxy server
links for 2010-03-29
From time to time a user may not be able to edit a Drupal node and you end up tearing your hair out trying to figure out why. Sometimes the solution is obvious, and sometimes it is not. This post will take you through some of the main reasons for the problem along with suggested solutions.
This module lets you publish contents directly on your WordPress blog. Using this module, you can configure and publish a node immediately after it has been published on your Drupal site. You don't have to press any link to share your content to your blog. This module also offers options to share the content on per node basis as well as on per content type basis.
PDF OCR is a simple drag-and-drop utility that converts PDFs and images into text documents. It uses advanced OCR (optical character recognition) technology to extract the text of the PDF or image. This is particularly useful for dealing with PDFs and images that were created via a scan-to-PDF function in a scanner or photo copier. It uses the Tesseract engine to perform OCR, and currently supports over 20 languages for OCR.
Drupal’s Missing Edit Tab: A Checklist to Solve Node Editing Problems
From time to time a user may not be able to edit a Drupal node and you end up tearing your hair out trying to figure out why. Sometimes the solution is obvious, and sometimes it is not. This post will take you through some of the main reasons for the problem along with suggested solutions.
via User can’t edit a node – Drupal troubleshooting | fused.
So this crops up way too often for me: a user doesn’t see the edit tab when they should. It could be a lot of things and the linked blog post covers the possibilities (with pictures). From the mundane, a particular role doesn’t have edit rights to a given node type, to the exotic, the user’s role doesn’t have rights to the input filter used to create the node, this post covers it all. Certainly worth a bookmark.
links for 2010-03-27
OO php library using ffmpeg to manipulate media files.
links for 2010-03-25
Dropping cable for OTA tv and web streamed video.