Adds a URL to an action.
links for 2010-03-11
links for 2010-03-10
The VoteSmart Webform module provides a legislative representative lookup widget as a webform component field. This widget queries representatives via the VoteSmart API. Resultant representatives with email address can then be used as webform submission recipients.
In essence, this module extends webform to be an e-advocacy tool, allowing site administrators to create robust and "free" online petition forms without developer intervention.
links for 2010-03-09
StatusNet is the open source microblogging platform that helps you share and connect in real-time within your own domain.
With StatusNet you can encourage collaboration, build and engage your community, and be in command of your brand.
BIgBlueButton is a web-based conferencing system geared toward the .edu crowd. Think gotowebinar. This module give you access to the scheduling components of the API.
links for 2010-03-08
Add a few lines ot settings.php to get single sign-on across multiple sites in the same domain.
links for 2010-03-07
Google supports the OAuth standard for API authentication. By using this module, web applications can access a user's Google Apps account without needing the user's login details. The user logs into the site with their Drupal username and password. Once authenticated, they are then immediately redirected to the Google login page where they must confirm (or reject) that the website is allowed to use an authorization token to access their Google account.
Administrators of Google Apps Premier and Education editions can also use a special type of OAuth, called 2-legged OAuth. Unlike standard OAuth, the user is not actually authenticated with Google, but the site is able to act on their behalf to pull in or update their account data. Currently this authentication is implemented, but no APIs make use of it yet.
links for 2010-03-06
drag image to share on social networks
137 Years of Popular Science Now Available for Search and Reading
We’ve partnered with Google to offer our entire 137-year archive for free browsing. Each issue appears just as it did at its original time of publication, complete with period advertisements. It’s an amazing resource that beautifully encapsulates our ongoing fascination with the future, and science and technology’s incredible potential to improve our lives. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
This is a pretty cool archive and it’s nice to see a magazine decide to make its archives open for search rather than throwing the whole thing behind a pay wall.
links for 2010-03-04
eGovernment refers to the use of the Web or other information technologies by governing bodies to interact with the citizenry, between departments and divisions, and between governments themselves.
links for 2010-03-03
includes search by content-type configuration.