Twitter Updates for 2011-10-19

  • @sglassmeyer I'm sure tonight's news will feature someone trying to surf those 20 ft waves. #
  • I am attending Open Education 2011 10/25-27. I'm sure there'll be a hash tag like #opened11 or something. #
  • | A wild success and an utter failure [interesting take on Wikipedia, good insight.] #
  • Hmm, apparently it is possible use all 4 gig of memory on my MacBookPro. Maybe I need something faster and roomier. #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-10-18

  • Switching back and forth b/t coding #Drupal modules and #WordPress plugins is Fun And Exciting. Just need to keep those API calls straight. #
  • Very cool. SupCt of PA is on Twitter @SupremeCtofPA "for the latest available dispositional orders and opinions." Can't wait for more Cts. #
  • BTW, picked up tip on @SupremeCtofPA from Slashdot of all places – Pennsylvania Supreme Court Tweets Rulings – Slashdot #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-10-12

  • @edmyers I wasn't going to say anything… #
  • updating the iPad to the new shiny iOS 5.0. Apparently I'll know when the update is done because the iPad will float 4 inches off my desk. #
  • Well, instead of floating, the iPad sunk. Update to iOS 5.0 failed. Apple tells me I may need to update OSX first. Bass Ackwards. #
  • @brianlbaker An otherwise up-to-date version of Lion. And the iPad was up-to-date also. D/L the Lion updates now. #
  • And the iPad upgrade to iOS 5 #fails again! This time "the iPad software update server could not be contacted or is temporarily unavailable" #
  • @LiHuMa You, me and half the civilized world, apparently. #
  • @LiHuMa Yes it is. And it makes me a little bit happy inside when a big company has trouble anticipating demand just like me! #
  • Yippee! iPad update to iOS 5 worked on the 4th try. Look, tabbed browsing! And iCloud! Oh, my! #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-10-07

  • @carlmalamud @freegovinfo Court opinions on FDsys a big step in right direction. Can't wait for public beta to see for myself. #DPLLA #
  • @carlmalamud Central location, signed by GPO, metadata in XML, consistent formats (hoping for XML/HTML like other FDsys material). #
  • “@zheller: A good argument for how over-exaggerated the power of Twitter is” [Twitter is an echo chamber.] #
  • @carlmalamud Just PDF would disappoint. GPO signed PDFs would raise interesting questions about 'official' versions of opinions though. #
  • Creating ebooks requires a whole different way of thinking about text, and it is hard to get past our deeply ingrained concepts of "book". #
  • @sglassmeyer Absolutely! A real index would be nice, too. #
  • @johnpmayer Perhaps, but consider a syllabus or outline that refers to "page 8" of a book. That ref may mean nothing in an ebook context. #

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