Twitter Updates for 2011-10-06

  • Steve Jobs was one of those rare people who could see the future and wouldn't stop until he brought us there. #
  • iOS Developer Enterprise Program – Apple Developer [Allows orgs to get iOS Apps onto devices w/o going thru App Store.] #
  • Doc Searls Weblog · The journey was the reward [Best reflection on passing of Steve Jobs I've seen.] #
  • @KenHirsh @johnpmayer Lots of law already there, for example: #
  • @johnpmayer @kenhirsh #HathiTrust isn't a public library, it's for scholarly research. A digital public law library would be different. #
  • @johnpmayer @kenhirsh And we do need a digital public law library. Unencumbered access to legal materials is necessary. #OccupyTheLaw #
  • @KenHirsh @johnpmayer @davidwhelan I think we tried that, DPLA passed. And focus of DPLA is kind of scholarly anyway. #
  • @KenHirsh Yes, @LIICornell is a good foundation, but their collection is small compared to vastness of legal info scattered about #DPLLA #
  • @KenHirsh Problem of lack of access is systemic. Many courts and legislatures don't see access as a problem. #DPLLA #
  • @KenHirsh Education is a big part. Show how increased levels of access are a good thing. Fedsys is a good model, lots of HTML. #DPLLA #
  • @kenhirsh Fedsys HTML can be collected, indexed, processed into other formats. It provides unencumbered access to the law. #DPLLA #
  • @KenHirsh Courts and states need to follow this lead. Even access to court opinions in original word processor files would be ok. #DPLLA #
  • @KenHirsh Good question. Core group would be a good start. MS Supreme Ct has opinions from 1996 to date in WordPerfect. #DPLLA #
  • @KenHirsh And cost is a big issue. really need to figure out what locating, collecting, indexing, sharing all that data costs. #DPLLA #
  • @richards1000 @kenhirsh FDsys is still running (today's FedReg – ) An excellent resource. #DPLLA #
  • Jobs: “Focus Is About Saying, No” | TechCrunch #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-10-05

  • Apple's 1987 Knowledge Navigator, Only One Month Late – #
  • Julia Child’s ‘Mastering the Art of French Cooking’ Joins E-Book Revolution: [First it was retyped…] #
  • Today's agenda: A RESTful API for CALI web data; coding a Lesson resume feature; more fun with ebooks, ebooks, ebooks; plus some paperwork. #
  • Read, Download,Order #
  • Amazon S3 Server Side Encryption for Data at Rest #
  • @CALIorg data stored in the cloud topped 1 terabyte for the first time during August. Ain't that something. #
  • Breaking: 15 more ABA-approved law schools to be sued – #
  • Wikis in the Classroom: Three Ways to Increase Student Collaboration – Faculty Focus HT @nellcoinc #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-10-03

  • At 40° Atlanta is colder than Chicago or Minneapolis this morning. Makes for a brisk 3 miles. #
  • CSL, Metadata, and Legal Information that Just Works » VoxPopuLII #
  • Grrr… MSFT Office update on my MacBook Pro wants me to close Firefox and Chrome before the update will process. I really do not like Office. #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-09-28

  • Dewey B Strategic: eBooks: Why are Publishers Pouring Digital Content into 19th Century Wineskins? #
  • @johnpmayer Big ? about Kindle Fire is will it run Android Apps from the Amazon Android store? Or just special apps like the Nook? #
  • They're working on those pesky new delicious issues: The First 20 Hours | AVOS via @addthis #
  • @ProfJonathan Silk's split-browsing not new. Used by Opera, Blackberry, and Palm to improve mobile browsing performance. #
  • #teknoids #

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Kindle Fire: Amazon’s Latest Consumer Point of Sale Terminal

The Kindle Fire seems to have been designed and built not as a tablet, but as a device to read and watch that happens to be a tablet. It has been designed to help Amazons customers buy more in the best way possible it’s that sort of user centric approach that will make it so popular.

Kindle Fire: Developers be Warned – John Nye

Good succinct article that gets to the heart of the matter: Amazon doesn’t sell tablets, Amazon sells stuff and the Kindle Fire and its siblings are designed to help you buy more stuff quickly and efficiently. Sure, the Fire will have access to Android apps from the Amazon App store, however consumers (and developers) will need to keep in mind that it is running a forked version Android 2.1, so some stuff is not going to work as expected. Even though there will always be more powerful, more capable Android tablets on the market, the Fire will find market share as the Android device for the home consumer. Just the thing for using around the house to read books and magazines, watch video, listen to music, perhaps chat with friends, or check your email. I suspect that if your looking for a powerful device for serious business and education use the Kindle Fire may well disappoint. Of course we won’t know until mid-November when it actually appears.