Setting Off To Explore Whole New Areas of Food Fun

So, it all starts with this article on Lifehacker: Eat Like a Foodie at Home, Without Breaking Your Budget.

With the advice of some noted chefs and food writers, you can elevate the level of your home-cooked meals even while working with a tight grocery budget, producing feasts that wow for just a few dollars per serving.

We’ll show you where to shop and what to stock in your pantry to maximize your dollars-to-enjoyment ratio. We’ll also show you how to save more on buying meat (often the most expensive part of the meal) and techniques and recipes for cooking up some exquisite dishes. Note: you don’t have to consider yourself a “foodie” to use these suggestions—all you need to bring is a desire for great food.

We use the Internet quite a bit around here to track down recipes, but we mostly stay on the mainstream sites. This article pointed me at a whole bouquet of excellent food sites full of great recipes and cooling tips and advice.

Here are some of the sites:

Anyone else have anything to add to the list?

Drawing circles in the sand

I spent some time today sorting out my personal Internet space from my professional Internet space. I know this sort of thing puzzles some folks who don’t really draw those sorts of lines, but I do. My family and friends are important to me and generally separate from my professional colleagues. Yes, there is some overlap between these groups, but not much and I am more comfortable keeping them separate.

I now consider Facebook and <CONTENT />, my blog, as personal space. I will use Facebook to stay in touch with family and friends. My blog, which dates back to October 2000, will be recast a bit to focus on things that interest me personally. That may include a bit of tech here and there, but is more likely to include family, photos,  food, movies, music, and even a bit of politics.

My professional space includes Twitter, LinkedIn, and a shiny new blog on Teknoids. I will use LinkedIn to build my professional network and Twitter to share and discover information useful to me professionally. My Teknoids blog will be used to write about my professional interests in legal education technology in law schools. In addition stuff directly related to work will appear on the CALI Spotlight and Classcaster blogs.

My hope is that this division of space will help clarify a picture that has become increasingly murky to me.