ABA Standards Review Committee To Hold Public Forum 4/2/11 On Accreditation Changes

[T]he ABA Standards Review Committee (SRC), the body that proposes changes to the law school accreditation standards for action by the ABA Council on Legal Education, is holding its next  public forum in Chicago during the morning of Saturday, April 2, 2011.   The SRC is actively considering issues concerning legal education broadly,  student learning outcomes,  faculty status, governance and security of position.

via Input needed: Newest SRC Accreditation Revisions & Chicago Meeting « Best Practices for Legal Education.

Be sure to visit the ABA SRC website for the latest drafts of the proposed changes to the accreditation standards. Look for the “Meeting Date: April 2-3, 2011” heading about half way down the page for the drafts as PDFs.

links for 2011-03-14

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links for 2011-02-24

links for 2011-02-19

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