- @sglassmeyer @trbruce My god the Navy's changed. Just saying'. #
- Did you know that deck of the Iowa is made of teak? #
- @sglassmeyer BIG STICK!!! #
- @sglassmeyer @trbruce Do you think they had permission to film or did they just sneak on to a boat? #
- I'm reasonably sure this is just a rewrite of a Star Trek ToS script from the third season. #
- Well timed commercial break. Now I can catch my breath and watch the start of the Sprint Cup All Star Race. #
- If the science lady turns up with one more piece of carefully restored ancient tech at the just the right time… #
- OMG! DefCon 2!!!!!! #
- In other news #48 Jimmie Johnson leads the first 20 lap segment of the All Star Race. In case you where wondering. #
- @trbruce that sounds about right. We could probably knock something out in back row at #CALIcon12 . #
- The BIG STICK is going to fire the BIG GUNS! And it's science lady to the rescue again! She has the 16" shells! #
- The old girl still carries a big stick. #
- @trbruce Good night, Admiral. #
- #CALIcon12 Session of the Day: Cultivating Creativity: How to innovate, create, and get out of your own way while… http://t.co/QHpqvRgS #
- Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication | Vol 1 | Iss 1 http://t.co/fuavTiFR #
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