- @sglassmeyer @johnpmayer Excellent. I've been doing that with Drupal for years. #
- Contemplating a filter that blocks discussion of printing on teknoids list, though that would probably kill the list. #
- @LiHuMa Sure, in 1999. Won't discuss ebooks, open ed, etc. Certainly 1100 subs have more to talk about than printing. http://t.co/0iP7CI6G #
- Do law libraries collect ebooks? If yes how? If no why not? Free books to experiment on from eLangdell, Free Law Reporter, Fastcase #AALL12 #
- For easy to follow article on creating your very own ebooks see @sglassmeyer 's article at http://t.co/NOrd4ZnG #AALL12 #ebooks @caliorg #
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