Twitter Updates for 2012-06-16

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Twitter Updates for 2012-06-15

  • #CALIcon12 Session of the Day: Powerful Presentations With-or Without—PowerPoint… @caliorg #teknoids #
  • RT @johnpmayer: Free law-related ebooks/textbooks – can even download ALL in a zip file. [Just PDF, no .epub, .mobi] #
  • Because what I REALLY want to spend time doing is making all the menus idiot proof. Just try clicking on something and see what happens. #
  • @johnpmayer ProTip: when the mouse pointy thing turns into a hand thingy, click. CLICK like your life depends on it. #
  • @sglassmeyer It's fine, so long as the said demons aren't just hiding menu items. #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-06-13

  • Yes, CSS3 media queries are the lots of fun even in Drupal6. Visit and resize your browser to see them in action. #
  • #CALIcon12 Session of the Day: Moving your law reviews to an open-access publishing model… @CALIorg #teknoids #
  • @KenHirsh Always about 25-30% first timers, but w/ > 300 attendees #CALIcon12 is going to about making new friends. Just say hi to everyone. #
  • Just a friendly reminder: free data is like a free puppy. And we're out of newspapers. #
  • I've just been informed that yesterday was @caliorg 's 30th birthday. Did you sign the card? #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-06-12

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Twitter Updates for 2012-06-09

  • #CALIcon12 Session of the Day: Metadata for Online Collections @CALIorg #teknoids #
  • Sadly the mere act of uploading video to YouTube does nothing to improve the quality of the content. 🙂 But it is cross browser compatible. #
  • Against live-tweeting | Just Well Mixed – "you’re not Edward R. Murrow, and this is not the London Blitz" [Amen.] #
  • @trbruce @sglassmeyer I think the hats would make excellent LVI2012 giveaways. #
  • iBook Lessons: Style sheets | TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog [importance of style sheets in EPUB creation.] #

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