Twitter Updates for 2012-04-07

  • Hotel Wifi JavaScript Injection – Justinsomnia [Something to watch out for while on the road.] #
  • The LII goes to the Science Fair — and wins! » LII Announce #
  • Now I'm just waiting until the RAID5 array rebuilds itself to see if anything survived… #
  • @richards1000 @johnpmayer There is always some sort of hacking going on at #CALIcon but, like all good hacking, it's not well organized. #
  • RT @johnpmayer: The Ultimate eLearning Design and Development Checklist [seems pretty complete] #
  • trying out #Nginx to power #Drupal on Was pretty straight forward to setup and seems to be faster than #Apache #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-04-03

  • @richards1000 @johnpmayer We have a page at but it is not active. #
  • @jasnwilsn @glambert Free access to court opinions is a weird problem. Many courts put PDFs on the web, just no easy way to find them all. #
  • @jasnwilsn @glambert It could be as easy as courts putting word processor files of opinions on a single FTP server somewhere. #
  • @jasnwilsn @glambert That repository could be used by everyone as a single authentic source of data. Repo needs to be vendor neutral. #
  • @jasnwilsn @glambert Think "Dropbox for clerks of the courts". No change in workflow. Just save it here instead of there. #
  • @glambert @jasnwilsn @ejwalters PDFs are elegant. Elegant representations of printed pages. Photocopies of word processor files. #
  • @jasnwilsn @glambert Well, maybe it should be an extension of the Free Law Reporter. #

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