New Version of Sigil EPUB Editor To Have WYSIWYG Editor

The forthcoming 0.6.0 version of Sigil, my favorite desktop EPUB editor, is going to have a WYSIWYG HTML editor in the BookView. This is a much needed addition to a great tool that will allow for greater control over the editing and creation of EPUBs.

From Making epub happen:

The next release of Sigil is shaping up nicely. There is so much going into it that the next release will be 0.6.0. Unfortunately, EPUB 3 will not be one of the features making it into 0.6.0. One major change coming will be a new BookView (BV) editor. Here is an unfished preview of what it might look like.

This is only a concept preview of the new editor. One issue that needs to be resolved is the double tool bar. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to use the one in the BV pane or the global one in the window itself


Twitter Updates for 2012-03-09

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Twitter Updates for 2012-03-03

  • iPads using iOS 6, high-res displays showing up in Ars server logs #
  • Installing windows 8 on a convertible laptop/touchpad. Been a couple of hours, but so far so good. #
  • So much for that. "Windows installation was not successful. Your previous version of Windows is being restored." #Win8 #
  • A very nice apology screen letting me know that the install of #Win8 was not completed. And my #Win7 setup appears to be fully restored. #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-02-29

  • @sleers Would you repost the link for Chronicle article? It's broken in the tweet and I can't find it on the Chronicle site. #
  • @johnpmayer @sleers Got it now Thanks. And death to LMSes! #
  • The Criminal Lawyer's Guide to Criminal Law | 1 Introduction – "CRIME" [Soon to be reduced to print] #
  • RT @teknoids: Teknoids Post: Positiion Opening: Director of Technology, Univ. of Tennessee College of Law #
  • Textbk Rental Site BookRenter Spawns Rafter, Course Materials Management Network For Colleges [commercial #eLangdell #
  • @sglassmeyer I wanted to do something like that for a little site I run, but somebody wasn't fond of the idea. #
  • @sglassmeyer well, the topic was broached today, actually. It's a big job though. #

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