As you might imagine, outlines play a big role in the World Outline. And when you can make an outline behave and look like an outline, well that’s strictly good. In December I finally invested in making outline objects work just like outlines. That meant rolling up my sleeves and making no apologies for my Javascript coding. And it came out nice. Then I rested on that front for a while, let it burn in and dug some new holes over the holidays. Now on my todo list is to roll up the outline rendering tool so it’s used to render other forms of outlines. And in my world, scripts are outlines. So what the hell, let’s make it so that script code renders as an outline. There are good reasons to do this. For one it makes the code more readable. And I have lots of code. And I want to send pointers to code to Frontier newbies who are coming up now (yay!) and I didn’t want to send them pointers to flat text. That would seem to miss the point. Yes? Yes!