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Brilliant use of BitTorrent to solve a difficult problem.

iBooks Author Gives You the Power to Design Your Own Book, Here

This article provides a balanced review of iBooks Author.

Twitter Updates for 2012-01-21

  • @tomboonedotcom I hope the whole iBooks Author thing brings more attention to more flexible tools like Sigil and open education resources. #
  • @bjchapm iBooks Author requires complete buy-in to the Apple stack. You need a Mac and an iPad2 to create books. Still see Sigil as better. #
  • @bjchapm As #elangdell redefines the casebook in legal ed, interactivity will increase, but it needs to be open. HTML5 is great on the iPad. #
  • @rleiter What's the link for today's Law Librarian Conversations podcast? #
  • @KenHirsh @rleiter Thanks. I'll be there! #
  • @tomboonedotcom Why certainly. Perhaps a day long workshop. I did a session last year: http://t.co/hiV6dMxd #CALIcon12 #
  • TR selling Legal Publishing not surprising. TR is about information and analysis, not printing textbooks. Printing law may go to #lawlibcon #
  • Apple Pages has had an export to EPUB feature for over a year. But .epub is an open format and .ibooks is not. #lawlibcon #
  • From what I've seen stuff produced using bells and whistles of iBooks Author cannot be reproduced on other platforms. #lawlibcon #
  • Apple e-textbook tools to jack up education and hardware costs ultimately? | TeleRead: News and views on e-books, l… http://t.co/39GrM4Cg #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-01-20

  • Firing up iBooks Author to see what it might mean for the #elangdell project. #
  • First, iBooks Author (let's call it iAuthor) doesn't open existing .epub files. #
  • @johnpmayer And then there's that. #
  • Imported a large Word file into iAuthor. It did a good job of removing all of the formatting and inserting breaks here and there. #
  • iAuthor "exports" to an .ibooks file? What's that? And it's huge. Blew a 1.2 meg word doc up to 17 megs. Why? #
  • @johnpmayer iBooks Author is not another Sigil. Like comparing Word and emacs. 2 very different tools. #
  • In a world hungry for WYSIWYG ebook tools, iBooks Author is an all you can eat buffet. So long as don't mind being chained to the table. #
  • I see nothing in iAuthor that is going to cause me to change the #elangdell workflow. Still like Sigil for the work we do. #
  • And with that I'm going to an early lunch so I can get back to real work this afternoon. #
  • One more thing, the .ibooks format that iAuthor exports appears to be a slightly modified EPUB file. So you can unzip and peer inside. #
  • @richmccue It's all about the Apple Stack. The exports from iAuthor can be renamed to .epub and will open in some readers but w/o features. #
  • @sglassmeyer Plenty of stuff about the transitions at Harvard: http://t.co/GZhXRjWk Get it straight from the horses mouth. #
  • @johnpmayer That section (b) is not a change. Apple has always reserved the right not to accept stuff in iTunes, iBooks, App Store. #
  • @sglassmeyer Or like watching one of those reality TV shows. Harvard + iBooks2 has made for an interesting Twittery sort of day. #
  • @kaiyen iAuthor lets you do HTML5 and JS stuff that won't work on any other platform. You can always suck out just text, but why bother? #
  • @sglassmeyer Well, you could start injecting LoLcats into the stream. It might help. #
  • @johnpmayer Why is the definition of a book murky? Because Apple released a new toaster? #
  • Great thing about doing a large migration of stuff: keeping an eye on it leaves the other eye to follow twitter fun. And a fun day it is! #
  • Nothing uglier than a macbook outta memory. At least windows gave me the three finger salute. #
  • “@RWW: Why Apple Won't Disrupt the Textbook Industry Anytime Soon http://t.co/aBUyi9R6” [Couldn't agree more.] #
  • @elizabethf I saw that coming. TR is in the information business, not publishing. It makes sense to sell it off to one of the textbook pubs. #

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