Twitter Updates for 2012-09-22

  • Installed Skype 4 for Linux on Linux Mint. It's working well. Now trying twitter clients. This is sent from Gwibber. #
  • Now trying Twitter client Turpial on the Linux desktop. It seems pretty solid. It has a mute feature so I can tune folks out temporarily. #
  • @sglassmeyer Maybe. Planning on live tweeting any exciting "events"? That just might do it. #
  • RT @sglassmeyer 45 minutes until Law Librarian Conversations Join us! #
  • RT @rleiter I'm broadcasting live on the air! Listen in now at #BlogTalkRadio #
  • RT @lifehacker Upgrade your ramen with this guide to over 800 ramen noodles: #
  • Quote of the day on #lawlibcon "Free law is hard." @sglassmeyer Amen, sister. #
  • @stuartsierra @Docracy I would be quite surprised to find out that any law firms where using git or LaTex. #
  • @Docracy @stuartsierra @richards1000 Sure, it could work, but would it be better than using Word? What about Word docs in Git repo? #
  • @Docracy Agreed. Benefits of Git really accrue when docs are in formatted text. Need compelling reason to scrap Word for plainish text. #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-09-20

  • RT @freegovinfo:, the new THOMAS, launched in beta [built in mobile web detection. Excellent!] #
  • Now I have Siri on my iPad but I can't think of anything to do with it. #
  • I can type faster than Siri can figure out what I'm trying to say. Plus she doesn't follow NASCAR and can't search Facebook. Yawn. #
  • @sglassmeyer @glambert Fear not. I'll deal with this, because only I get to be snarky to subscribers on teknoids when they do silly things. #
  • @sglassmeyer I got Siri when I ran the iOS6 update for the latest generation iPad. Not sure how far down the tree it's going . #
  • @sglassmeyer @glambert Responded to Ron. Made sure to start off with some pirate talk. Does pirate talk translate down under? #
  • @sglassmeyer It looks like if your iDevice will take the iOS6 update you will get Siri features. Just don't ask about NASCAR. #
  • @sglassmeyer Well, I do have another Twitter acc't that's pretty much just for following NASCAR. @caliorg staff mtg at #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-09-19

  • @LIICornell @LVI2012 I wasn't able to get one of conference priced rooms at the Holiday Inn, can I still get the free breakfast? #
  • @trbruce Hey, I'm on a budget. They make me eat free food whenever possible when traveling. #
  • @trbruce @JohnPMayer @SGlassmeyer At least I talked someone out of asking to stay in the room over your garage. #
  • @LVI2012 Thanks. When I tried to use the conference code on 8/29 the HI website told me that no more rooms were available at that price. #
  • Don't Go To Law School (Unless) #

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