Twitter Updates for 2012-06-27

  • 7 hours later and the MySQL slave has caught up to the master, is in sync again. Lots of errors to sort out. No impact on front end though. #
  • @sglassmeyer Sadly less than a note letting you know they found a nest of carpenter ants or some previously undetected water damage. #
  • The Supreme Court of the United States has a responsive website that looks great on mobile devices, why don't you? #

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Twitter Updates for 2012-06-20

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Twitter Updates for 2012-06-17

  • #CALIcon12 Session of the Day: Selecting course technology based on simple learning science objectives @caliorg #
  • @johnpmayer @CALIorg The $100 Masters is about certification, not education. So is CALI a school or a certifier? Or both? #
  • @richmccue Looks like gains in ebook rev coming from declines in paperback sales. Hardcover sales actually rose bit. #
  • @richmccue From market pov, hc buyers are still buying books, pb buyers are shifting to ebooks + audio. pb + ebook about convenience, price #
  • @richmccue Textbook space is different. Not about format, about how books are produced. Price driven by monopoly. Open texts will cost less. #

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