- RT @carbonfray: Write your next presentation with Asciidoctor and present it with deck.js! Learn how with the deck.js backend guide http://… 07:06:19, 2013-06-27
- RT @davewiner: Scripting News: The basics of reality distortion. http://t.co/CCawv9AMDX 07:59:27, 2013-06-27
- RT @hughmcguire: the most terrifying words in the english language: "I am about 80% done." 08:33:33, 2013-06-27
- From TabuLaw: UUID for legal texts: Part 451fe00e-c2fe-4c11-9f10-5f96395e2523 http://t.co/b04A4ZXdkT 08:59:01, 2013-06-27
- @kirschsubjudice There's this http://t.co/E5QPDQ4Grl also a WordPress plugin or 2. Seems pretty straight forward using the Twitter API. in reply to kirschsubjudice 13:00:29, 2013-06-27
- @kirschsubjudice Twitter Digest does a good job and the developer is keeping up with Twitter API changes. http://t.co/7xzLdmXssg in reply to kirschsubjudice 14:27:42, 2013-06-27
- @sglassmeyer That's what staples are for: to get duct tape to stick to cardboard. Did you miss that day in library school? in reply to sglassmeyer 15:08:02, 2013-06-27
- RT @wpmudev: #WordPress and Beer: 5 Plugins for Brewers and Beer Enthusiasts – http://t.co/Ym2Gi9quPQ by @pollyplummer 15:57:06, 2013-06-27
- RT @waldojaquith: One of the new Mac Pro's GPUs isn't even part of the graphics bus. It's just for doing some serious math. http://t.co/JON… 23:06:09, 2013-06-27