- RT @sglassmeyer: This isn't the Age of Information. It's the Age of Data. Information has been shaped and costs $$$. Data is raw material t… 08:02:35, 2013-08-14
- RT @ThePoke: Check out this Police Telephone Box in Google Streetview https://t.co/etVXrs1lCF (click on the double arrow) (via @daveake) 09:33:38, 2013-08-14
- RT @radar: Bookcision http://t.co/EUOLYntdWq Bookmarklet that downloads your Kindle highlights
from the cloud onto your computer 09:37:10, 2013-08-14 - This exists: BronyCon 2013 http://t.co/dmAUGg39yU and it was live streamed. HT @hmorrell in reply to hmorrell 09:41:00, 2013-08-14
- #Classcaster site is under attack again. Working to fend off bad guys. @caliorg 10:07:32, 2013-08-14