- RT @sidneyallen: Start Bootstrap – Free HTML Templates for Bootstrap 3 http://t.co/bYiZ5uk1px via @SBootstrap 20:16:02, 2013-10-03
My Twitter Digest for 10/02/2013
- In many ways the Socratic method used in law school is like the original flipped classroom method. 12:00:55, 2013-10-02
- RT @globalmoxie: "Your best customers provide all the wrong information when the market is being disrupted."—@asymco Impossibly hard. http:… 14:10:04, 2013-10-02
- From my blog: St. John’s Law Highlights Blogging Faculty | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/ciCIebVbjY 17:45:11, 2013-10-02
- Hey @sglassmeyer in case you forgot here's you GitHub page: https://t.co/QSHw6JDcyi You need more commits and a fork or 2. You're Welcome! in reply to sglassmeyer 20:22:03, 2013-10-02
- @sglassmeyer Still waiting for you jump in at https://t.co/oKVPztjHsA so we can get the ball rolling. in reply to sglassmeyer 20:24:12, 2013-10-02
- RT @RWW: Now that we know the concepts behind GitHub and Git, it's time to have fun. http://t.co/b6JVkA4ILE 20:57:40, 2013-10-02
St. John’s Law Highlights Blogging Faculty
St. John’s is home to a dedicated faculty of engaging teachers and accomplished scholars. In the classroom, they foster our students’ analytical ability and practical skills. Outside the classroom, many of our professors are outstanding researchers and thought leaders who have “written the book” in their areas of interest and expertise.
A little over a year ago, the Law School launched the Faculty Scholarship Blog to showcase faculty activities and achievements, including their books and articles, speaking engagements, and media appearances. Produced and regularly updated by Professor Janai S. Nelson − the Law School’s Associate Dean for Faculty Scholarship − and Professor Jeff Sovern, the blog offers a detailed snapshot of the faculty’s timely and important work.
via St. John’s Law Bloggers Offer Virtual Tour of Today’s Legal Landscape.
It’s great to see a law school acknowledge faculty who blog and highlight the areas they are blogging in. This sort of thing will help make writing for a blog or website more acceptable as a form of scholarly writing. Certainly not every utterance that lands on the Internet is scholarly, but we are moving to a place where well thought out and researched articles on a blog or website are going to be considered scholarly products alongside more traditionally published law review articles. And that is a Good Thing.
My Twitter Digest for 10/01/2013
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/y82JIXX4aS @RichardMoorhead : "These systems are quick & produce contracts … which those producing them do … 08:07:12, 2013-10-01
- In November 2003 an upgrade to the @caliorg platform allowed for the logging of Lesson runs. Since then > 8.6 million Lessons have been run. 09:08:06, 2013-10-01
- Over 300,000 law students have learned something about the law from the 8.6 million @caliorg Lessons run over the past decade. in reply to emasters 09:14:17, 2013-10-01
- RT @jqheywood: If you voted for a republican in 2012, this is your fault #EnablersAreNihilisticVandalsToo 10:13:51, 2013-10-01
- RT @librarycongress: As of Oct. 1, Library of Congress closed until further notice. Events canceled, most web sites inaccessible http://t.c… 10:14:31, 2013-10-01
- From my blog: Git Going on GitHub! | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/uzO9ZkGYfG 11:34:30, 2013-10-01
- Interview: Ask President Anant Agarwal About edX and the Future of Education – Slashdot http://t.co/FPHTZQmWO0 13:02:09, 2013-10-01
- RT @kevinokeefe: "We often think of the Internet enables you to do new things. But people just want to do the same things they’ve always do… 13:05:27, 2013-10-01
- RT @archiveitorg: We are archiving shut down messages, alerts, and dark sites during the #govtshutdown – please nominate URLs! https://t.co… 14:32:53, 2013-10-01
- RT @amyywan: What's a law startup? + Crowdsourcing a law startup directory http://t.co/AuI96DqTth 14:56:06, 2013-10-01
- Oops, some tech issues with the @caliorg webinar scheduled for right now. Trying to resolve. 15:06:17, 2013-10-01
- Access to all the best communication tools in the world doesn't make any difference if you don't make use of them. 16:27:20, 2013-10-01
- TaxProf Blog: 1L Enrollment Data at 20 California Law Schools http://t.co/RVQKZ6ujC1 [Hint: Not pretty.] 16:31:07, 2013-10-01
My Twitter Digest for 09/30/2013
- Seems Joe Hodnicki's Law Librarian Blog is getting a new home. The announcement: http://t.co/bEviuAVm65 The new home: http://t.co/mkUiineXLj 06:50:28, 2013-09-30
- RT @richards1000: cc @LawMeets MT @maireadenright: Any law teachers know way to set up short transactional role-plays online? Smthg w/o ste… 07:36:27, 2013-09-30
- @johnpmayer That certainly is going to need more than 140 characters to explain. Best games make you forget time and get lost in the game. in reply to johnpmayer 11:01:27, 2013-09-30
- RT @ddraper: The inside story on LA schools’ iPad rollout http://t.co/0A5VUMT8oD (Or, How LAUSD Board Turned Schools into Disneyland) 14:23:57, 2013-09-30
- RT @txtbks: Libraries & OER : Join me on Wed 3pm ET for a great webinar w/ @ocwnews @PLOS @SPARC_NA @TheOrangeGrove http://t.co/FiY9Dd04ED 14:27:11, 2013-09-30
- RT @SamGoshorn: Moved a project from the Fun folder to the Work folder. Is that good or bad? 15:03:07, 2013-09-30
- @SamGoshorn That would depend on the project. I try to keep them in the fun pile as long as possible. in reply to SamGoshorn 15:03:44, 2013-09-30
- RT @teknoids: Teknoids Post: Anyone using ExamSoft's multiple choice question bank and assessment tools? http://t.co/TATyNLLjwL 15:12:33, 2013-09-30
- RT @markkerzner: BIG news about FreeEed #eDiscovery http://t.co/IXyj3N33xg 16:29:49, 2013-09-30
- @richmccue Too bad Google chooses to equate web design with advertising. Reminds us GOOG is all about ad revenue. in reply to richmccue 17:29:45, 2013-09-30
Git Going on GitHub!
GitHub is more than just a programmer’s tool. If you want to collaborate on anything, you should give it a try. Part 1 of a two-part look at getting started with GitHub.
via GitHub For Beginners: Don’t Get Scared, Get Started – ReadWrite.
GitHub is starting to gather more steam as a collaboration platform for many sorts of projects from coding to textbooks to presentations. This article is a great intro to GitHub.
My Twitter Digest for 09/29/2013
- @sglassmeyer you're probably right. I'm tuned into Homeland myself. Never been a fan of that other show. in reply to sglassmeyer 21:01:40, 2013-09-29
- @carlmalamud @waldojaquith The number isn't surprising, our systems log thousands of intrusions attempts daily. in reply to carlmalamud 22:06:11, 2013-09-29
- @waldojaquith @carlmalamud Maybe, but in our case I'm talking real unauthorized attempts to access secure resources, not mundane traffic. in reply to waldojaquith 22:11:57, 2013-09-29
- @waldojaquith @carlmalamud needs to be quantified somehow. I could certainly say we're under continual attack, but that doesn't quite work. in reply to waldojaquith 22:17:18, 2013-09-29
- @carlmalamud @waldojaquith Could be, but if you use ssh or a database on standard ports, check your logs, you might be surprised. in reply to carlmalamud 22:20:01, 2013-09-29
- @carlmalamud @waldojaquith Platforms like WordPress and Drupal are perennial targets and we use both. It's like never ending prank calls. in reply to emasters 22:23:10, 2013-09-29
- @waldojaquith We've given up on WP plugins and moved to fail2ban and a firewall. Very effective and doesn't impact WP performance. in reply to waldojaquith 22:25:52, 2013-09-29
My Twitter Digest for 09/27/2013
- RT @LawLibCongress: In Nov, #Thomas will redirect to #Congressdotgov.Learn more and find out about the latest updates to #Congressdotgov:
h… 09:05:20, 2013-09-27 - From my blog: MC Law Launches Deans Database | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/HKd5cJbmJQ 09:27:44, 2013-09-27
- Supreme Court Says It's Resigned to 'Linkrot' – Law Blog – WSJ http://t.co/IvxHR5Tidv [pages are captured and added to case file.] 09:39:18, 2013-09-27
- RT @EJWalters: RT @jordan_law21: Fastcase Has Over 1/2 of US Lawyers: http://t.co/pAQ1Bw1H1h // Or: More than 1/2 of US lawyers have @Fastc… 09:47:35, 2013-09-27
- RT @trbruce: Bravo, @joshdata .I too am very tired of the disrespect shown to reliable open-access sources by authenticity hawks: http://t.… 11:22:37, 2013-09-27
- RT @drtriathlon: Done! Last critical thinking modules complete! Take a listen to Module 2 and 3. Compare the voiceovers. Thoughts? http://t… 15:05:18, 2013-09-27
- RT @nytimes: Some professors are finding they need to make it mandatory for students to check their e-mail http://t.co/GHWUC0eCRr 19:12:43, 2013-09-27
My Twitter Digest for 09/26/2013
- RT @trbruce: Considerable agreement, but no empirical evidence, around the idea that law students are very often young fogies. Agreed. #lv… 08:00:41, 2013-09-26
- RT @trbruce: Lots of interesting stuff going on here: http://t.co/ixpqIdzlkZ . #LVI2013 08:04:58, 2013-09-26
- With #lvi2013 and #drupalcon going on at same time in Europe reading overnight tweets is taking a lot longer this morning. 08:10:39, 2013-09-26
- RT @lawlib: The Law School Deans Database http://t.co/fK3zXgRln6 13:19:18, 2013-09-26
- Hey! @dnagy01 is all giddy because his fail2ban setup is actively banning the attacking bots on Classcaster. 17:38:37, 2013-09-26
MC Law Launches Deans Database
This site provides information about law school deans. Ever wondered who is the longest serving dean? Which current dean has held the most deanships? How many deans were former law professors or judges? What schools a dean attended? Who were the former deans at a particular law school?
The RDD is designed to answer these questions and to provide information to those who take an interest in law school deanships. This database may be used by dean search committees, university officials, or members of the public and is available without charge.
via Rosenblatt’s Deans Database.
Rosenblatt’s Deans Database (RDD) a new and interesting resource for those interested in keeping up with the world of Law School Deans. It aims to provide profiles of current deans as well as historical data for each law school. Data is provided by the law schools. I hope it stays up to date since it is kind of handy to have all that data in one place.