- RT @txtbks: Interested in http://t.co/SviYs4zBQj. Looks like they curate OER into courses and deliver via iPad. 08:32:02, 2013-09-25
- RT @uscode: US Code: Downloads of all titles, current to 9/18/2013, available at http://t.co/s2AV4ETh6i; PDF added to formats 08:34:33, 2013-09-25
- RT @lucymarcus: Harvard plans to boldly go with 'Spocs' (small private online courses) http://t.co/cNrqVtacay #highered #Harvard 08:38:21, 2013-09-25
- RT @trbruce: If the "Free Access to Law Movement" became an actual organization, what would it do? (other than organize a conference like #… 08:39:42, 2013-09-25
- RT @davewiner: Class of 2013 – MacArthur Foundation. http://t.co/oNgBWAUn0q 08:42:14, 2013-09-25
- RT @coursefork: Coursefork alpha is public! Now anyone can browse profiles & courses or create a free account to comment or customize http:… 11:13:21, 2013-09-25
- RT @sglassmeyer: NYU puts links to CALI lessons in their subject LibGuides. Great idea! 14:39:03, 2013-09-25
- RT @sglassmeyer: Here's one for the #teknoids idea bank. Sign was under flat screen. http://t.co/2bup6o84zl 14:39:54, 2013-09-25
- RT @davepell: The excellent @norcross on the WordPress System he built for NextDraft.
- RT @sglassmeyer: If pharmacists with all of their education can set up shop in the back of a grocery store,who says lawyers shouldn't? 17:54:26, 2013-09-25
- RT @waldojaquith: Can we make "learn from and teach others about your mistakes" be the new "fail fast"? 18:03:27, 2013-09-25
My Twitter Digest for 09/24/2013
- RT @davewiner: NaCl is an environment for running adapted C or C++ programs in a browser at close to the native speed. http://t.co/YiT7QgTD… 07:49:26, 2013-09-24
- RT @wihender: "This is just an education design problem" No fear, No bullshit. Worth reading. @computational @reinventlaw http://t.co/0YKaH… 09:06:56, 2013-09-24
- @sglassmeyer You could think of it as focus, figure out what you want to do and just do it. Pretty straight forward, hard to execute. in reply to sglassmeyer 09:19:54, 2013-09-24
- RT @cmdrtaco: The efforts to preserve Berners-Lee's original web server in the name of history.
http://t.co/q8pH4FofW5 10:29:07, 2013-09-24 - RT @caliorg: New adjective from student to describe CALI: Noble. Glad to hear law students appreciate our non-profit status! 13:31:28, 2013-09-24
- RT @FreeLawProject: @brianwc @mlissner announce #FreeLawProject for @courtlistener & related efforts to free the law: http://t.co/ZaNG3PYAdK 13:37:25, 2013-09-24
- @sglassmeyer While @caliorg offers resources that students can use right now to be better students and lawyers. Plus, we're not a vendor. in reply to sglassmeyer 14:00:19, 2013-09-24
- RT @WIRED: The little girl in this photo will eat your soul. That's just one example of fantastically absurd stock photography. http://t.co… 14:17:27, 2013-09-24
- @jqheywood @sglassmeyer But… I really do want to curate some bourbon. Is that allowed? in reply to jqheywood 15:11:27, 2013-09-24
My Twitter Digest for 09/22/2013
- Good to know that the #iOS7 update didn't solve the issue with my iPad randomly dropping and refusing to connect to wifi. 08:19:29, 2013-09-22
- Doing a Windows 8 upgrade, waiting to see where it's going to fail. 12:03:33, 2013-09-22
- Well, the Windows 8 upgrade went well actually. Only issue is how to perform the product activation, but I'll figure out later this PM. 13:29:04, 2013-09-22
- RT @richards1000: https://t.co/mmfLXzxSxX secondary legal resources (journalism articles, academic articles, treatises, blogposts) could a… 21:36:49, 2013-09-22
My Twitter Digest for 09/21/2013
- DC law schools shrink, see declining LSAT scores; are rich schools winning the financial-aid war? – http://t.co/6jWuDhqju0 13:28:04, 2013-09-21
- @johnpmayer Apparently someone needs to write the same article about Drupal. I typically see a lot more Drupal in higher ed than WP. in reply to johnpmayer 19:32:31, 2013-09-21
- @johnpmayer What is this about? Both links work fine in reply to johnpmayer 22:19:59, 2013-09-21
- @johnpmayer @kevinokeefe @ronnieburt Beyond Classcaster a number of law schools use WordPress for faculty, student orgs, admissions + more. in reply to johnpmayer 22:23:13, 2013-09-21
- @fgbjr @johnpmayer Issue is witches brew of caching, compression, browser versions, tried a couple of tweaks. will look in the morning. in reply to fgbjr 23:06:15, 2013-09-21
My Twitter Digest for 09/19/2013
- RT @caliorg: If you use a CMS (e.g. TWEN or Blackboard), could you take a few minutes to fill out this BRIEF survey?… http://t.co/7Db0Wl4… 12:07:55, 2013-09-19
- Some do think outside the box. It's just a small box. And it's inside another box. 12:22:50, 2013-09-19
- Pulled the trigger on the iOS7 upgrade for the iPad. I like the new Android interface. 15:10:46, 2013-09-19
- Interesting: In Google Play from Chrome on Linux. Looking at an app, says compat with all my devices. Hit install, sends app to my phone. 15:34:45, 2013-09-19
- Random factoid: in the past 30 days 11% of @caliorg web visitors spent > 10 minutes on the site and nearly 3% spent > 30 minutes. 16:15:58, 2013-09-19
- RT @rdlankes: Thoughts after first week with ios7 and windows8: one I thought was ugly and turned out elegant, other looked elegant and tur… 16:34:36, 2013-09-19
My Twitter Digest for 09/18/2013
- RT @textfiles: Your Commodore 1541 Maintenance Guide is here, so you can finally fix the goddamned thing. http://t.co/ko7otlDhM1 08:29:01, 2013-09-18
- RT @uscode: US Code: Volume 11 of 2012 Edition (Title 16 sections 901-end to Title 17) now available in print 08:29:17, 2013-09-18
- MIT announces two MOOC sequences as edX strategy begins to take shape | Inside Higher Ed http://t.co/3Yi2tf0kCO 10:23:19, 2013-09-18
- RT @acquia: Still time to register for today's webinar – Customizing Your Commons Site. Community Managers, this one's for YOU! http://t.co… 10:35:28, 2013-09-18
- @sglassmeyer Interesting sales and royalty numbers in there. in reply to sglassmeyer 13:30:55, 2013-09-18
- RT @courtlistener: We've created a new court database, but we need some librarian help to flesh out some dates: https://t.co/Wr4AIbsnUp. Ta… 15:45:36, 2013-09-18
- RT @audreywatters: For a limited time: a free Kindle version of "Invent to Learn" (the most important edu book pub'd this year IMO) http://… 18:33:18, 2013-09-18
My Twitter Digest for 09/17/2013
- @bjchapm Certainly interesting, but I'm not getting the Wharton degree for free. MOOCs are still just correspondence school courses. in reply to bjchapm 08:17:43, 2013-09-17
- RT @davewiner: Creepy clown terrifying residents by standing around on street corners staring at passers-by. http://t.co/9fdv6g9uFm 23:12:22, 2013-09-17
- RT @courtlistener: Sample data now available for our developers in units of 50, 500, 5,000 or 50,000 randomly selected opinions. http://t.c… 23:15:54, 2013-09-17
- 1Ls Less Distracted by Laptops Than Upperclassmen http://t.co/ORVVT9kSMp via @ALSEdTech 23:53:39, 2013-09-17
My Twitter Digest for 09/16/2013
- Renewed the http://t.co/wHUiHHJqgm domain for a couple of years. Seemed like a good way to start the week. 09:15:48, 2013-09-16
- @aabibliographer Interesting that TRs most recent foray into edu space is a class on manipulating search engines to highlight specific info. in reply to aabibliographer 11:02:46, 2013-09-16
- RT @davewiner: I've long felt that every operating system, web server and web browser should have a great outliner baked-in. http://t.co/8D… 13:30:21, 2013-09-16
- So @davewiner GPL'd a JQuery plugin that is a full featured outliner today. http://t.co/DSlGqwxDac Can't wait to inc it into a few things. 13:39:43, 2013-09-16
- @sglassmeyer Canadian Post Secondary Education? http://t.co/UL7YaWXjIK in reply to sglassmeyer 16:05:29, 2013-09-16
- RT @caliorg: Ground breaking at @GeorgiaStateLaw http://t.co/AQkga60HbQ Maybe we'll have a CALIcon there when it's finished! 18:43:30, 2013-09-16
My Twitter Digest for 09/15/2013
- @trbruce I would think this would make an excellent addition to any library or perhaps a candidate for inter library loan. in reply to trbruce 09:37:41, 2013-09-15
- RT @BenNunney: We live in a world where even trash cans can kernel panic. http://t.co/5iNwob2806 10:59:24, 2013-09-15
- Android essentials: The first 12 apps I install on every phone http://t.co/YVfweAOCDb via @computerworld 11:49:22, 2013-09-15
- RT @adelevie: A login system using @ParseIt and @angularjs: https://t.co/ShFxT0jlEu. Could not be much simpler. 17:10:09, 2013-09-15
- RT @sglassmeyer: New blog post: How Steampunk Can Save Legal Education and Practice Technology http://t.co/s2kUrgo0KF 17:14:02, 2013-09-15
- #NASCAR race at Chicagoland finally restarts after 5 and a half hour rain delay. Will be late for work tomorrow. 22:20:10, 2013-09-15
My Twitter Digest for 09/14/2013
- RT @aliglenesk: We exist in an era where majority of speech occurs on privately owned platforms. There are no laws protecting free speech i… 08:59:14, 2013-09-14
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/chtjIENDco looks like… something's happening… 09:18:16, 2013-09-14
- RT @mojavelinux: #asciidoctor.js just showed up in the #chrome store to provide live preview for local #asciidoc documents! https://t.co/FD… 09:19:59, 2013-09-14
- From my blog: Boston University School of Law Offers Students $250 to Blog | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/HuuGj6fg3C 11:40:16, 2013-09-14
- RT @caliorg: CALI #lawschool members have FREE access to our Classcaster blogging platform. Blog your scholarship, classes, current events,… 12:50:11, 2013-09-14