- RT @fgbjr: For #lawschool: Introducing #FreeLawFerret, a (free!) case law prep and study tool: http://t.co/zUbXtQtq0e @zotero @HarvLRev 09:18:29, 2013-09-13
- Classcaster is down. We're working on it. @caliorg 10:41:10, 2013-09-13
- I guess the good news is that it isn't just a problem with @caliorg servers, but an issue with Amazon Web Services http://t.co/EmgnleW9Ns 11:19:17, 2013-09-13
- Due to connectivity issues in the Amazon cloud @caliorg websites and services are not reliably available. We're monitoring the situation. 11:21:10, 2013-09-13
- Seems like Amazon has recovered itself and @caliorg web servers and resources including Classcaster are available again. 12:19:13, 2013-09-13
- RT @davewiner: Scripting News: Innovation happens when the gates are down. http://t.co/0jDQYEr2Xt 12:59:15, 2013-09-13
Boston University School of Law Offers Students $250 to Blog
The Communications Office is looking for J.D. students with strong writing skills to blog about their experiences for In their own words: BU Law Student Blogs. These online journals give prospective students a better idea of day-to-day life at the School. Your posts may also be read by prospective employers, alumni, faculty, the media, and anyone who visits the site, so this is an opportunity to showcase your writing as well as your approach to law school and the legal profession in general.
via BU Law | News | Earn $250/semester as a BU Law student blogger.
This is a great idea that gives a voice to law students and provides the rest of us with some insight into what drives law students these days. This is a program that other law schools should copy. A network of school sponsored student written blogs where students write about their law school experiences would be wonderful.
If you’re at a law school and you don’t have access to a local blogging system, you could do this sort of thing on CALI Classcaster.
My Twitter Digest for 09/12/2013
- From my blog: A Law School News Site: Diamond in the Rough or Beach Glass? | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/iwporlLKP0 08:48:15, 2013-09-12
- @sleers You can fix that. See http://t.co/ttdNxDI5aD for a bit of code to stick in your theme to make it go away. There are also plugins. in reply to sleers 09:09:09, 2013-09-12
- After weeks of delays, San Jose State U. releases research report on online courses http://t.co/sF2MgO05Ls 09:58:55, 2013-09-12
- RT @caliorg: Heard of CALI lessons but want to learn more? Tune in tomorrow @ 3pm EDT! http://t.co/pf4Y0jk0pv Tuesday. http://t.co/YtaK34J… 10:56:58, 2013-09-12
- Next Thursday, Sept. 19, is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. http://t.co/KUWN9D2os0 You have been warned. #PSA #teknoids 11:15:52, 2013-09-12
- Backdrop: Forking Drupal | Pingv :: Creative Engineering http://t.co/xNaLquOm2O [Something interesting to keep an eye on.] 11:28:25, 2013-09-12
- @sglassmeyer Once I had an admin assistant, it was great. Really helped me be more productive. It's a thing I miss about being a director. in reply to sglassmeyer 15:07:02, 2013-09-12
- RT @WilliamShatner: @NASA announced that @NASAVoyager after 36 yrs & 11B miles has reached interstellar space. So it begins… @StarTrek ht… 15:11:57, 2013-09-12
- Apparently that laptop will only boot IF I HIT THE POWER BUTTON!
Just to test some CSS on IE. 15:15:01, 2013-09-12 - RT @TheGovLab: Curious about what @github is and does? Watch this 30-minute tutorial from GovLab research fellow @mehan_j: https://t.co/7yM… 15:15:55, 2013-09-12
- ICYW, I test web stuff on latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and IE on Windows, Safari, Firefox, and Chrome on Mac, plus Linux for fun. 15:25:50, 2013-09-12
- And lest I forget, Safari and Chrome on the iPad. 15:29:09, 2013-09-12
- From my blog: Coder: Learn to Code in a Web Browser With This Version of Raspberry Pi | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/2UTwi6U3Ke 16:47:58, 2013-09-12
- How Developer Evangelists Build Community, Engagement for Software Firms http://t.co/ZHw1f0m1r4 16:49:44, 2013-09-12
- Free Massive Online Education Provider, Coursera, Begins To Find A Path To Profits http://t.co/prnIexXsuq 22:08:50, 2013-09-12
- RT @caliorg: Tomorrow! 3pm EDT! Find out how use the FREE CALI lesson library of interactive #lawschool tutorials in 15 minutes! http://t.… 22:36:18, 2013-09-12
Coder: Learn to Code in a Web Browser With This Version of Raspberry Pi
Coder is a free, open source project that turns a Raspberry Pi into a simple platform that educators and parents can use to teach the basics of building for the web. New coders can craft small projects in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, right from the web browser.
Just watching the video below is enough to make you want to get coding. This is yet another example of how the Raspberry Pi can change our relationship with computers.
My Twitter Digest for 09/11/2013
- RT @thepastrybox: Hey there, we are now receiving submissions: http://t.co/GdpmtZlkEG 08:01:51, 2013-09-11
- Over the past 30 days the % of folks using IE to browse the @caliorg website has fallen to 7.44%. 09:49:33, 2013-09-11
- RT @robertDouglass: How much backlash will there be to Backdrop, the new fork of #Drupal? https://t.co/e3FSLBzzhk 10:14:53, 2013-09-11
- RT @ChicagolndSpdwy: .@misssprintcup brought the Cup to @willistower. The #ChaseStartsHere w/ the #GEICO400 on 9/15. #ChaseAcrossAmerica ht… 14:59:11, 2013-09-11
- We're rebooting the @caliorg webinar series and we have an RSS feed so you can keep up to date. http://t.co/h2mM7xCYCL 15:05:59, 2013-09-11
- RT @caliorg: CALI's September Webinars schedule is up: http://t.co/rW1hmEQ4p4 Subscribe to the new RSS feed and never miss one! http://t.c… 15:13:57, 2013-09-11
- Sneak peek, side project: Law School News http://t.co/x6zVZQq6nK More soon. 18:12:12, 2013-09-11
- Stetson Law launches new Institute for the Advancement of Legal Communication http://t.co/mmIp1fAQMI 18:14:56, 2013-09-11
A Law School News Site: Diamond in the Rough or Beach Glass?
Recently while sifting through my project folder I cam across the bits and pieces of a law school news feed aggregator. I had started the code and gathered a dozen or so feeds with an idea of pulling together news from law schools around the country. Like many other weekend projects I had roughed it out and set it aside. The discovery of the code seemed like a nudge to do something with law school news feeds and so a site was born. I’m inviting folks to take a look and let me know if they think is some thing useful that should be further developed or not.
First a disclaimer: This is a personal project and is strictly “nights and weekends”. It is hosted on one of my personal servers. It is not related to any work project I’ve got going.
Let me introduce Law School News, a news reader for law school news feeds. The site gathers news items from the feeds of about 114 US law schools and presents them in an easy to read fashion. Various pages provide lists of feeds and channels to get news on specific schools and topics. Basic search functionality is available.
The feeds included in the site represent about half the law schools in the US. I gathered feed URLs by visiting every law school website and attempting to locate an RSS or Atom feed. I used the links to law school websites found on the LSAC Law School Links page to get to each school’s site. Once on a site I looked for a RSS feed link on the homepage or checked the school’s news page. I did not make any effort to hunt down the feeds if they were not plainly visible. Many schools had more than one feed and in those cases I selected the one that appeared to be a general news feed.
Please note that if you look at the feeds list and see that a particular school is missing it is because either I couldn’t easily locate a feed or the link for the feed didn’t work properly. I have not made a list of schools without feed or with feeds that didn’t work properly. If I missed your school’s feed, let me know in the comments below.
As for the future of this project, who can tell. I would like to expand the coverage to all of the feeds that schools have and that would move beyond news into events, blogs, and library information. And I could certainly wouldn’t mind some help, especially with the tagging of feeds and items. If you’re interested in helping out, let me know in the comments.
My Twitter Digest for 09/10/2013
- RT @uscode: US Code: Volume 10 of 2012 Edition (Title 16 sections 344-856) now available in print 07:38:14, 2013-09-10
- @sglassmeyer So it seems, except that the power of Github is in running git locally and that is all about version control and collaboration. in reply to sglassmeyer 07:46:38, 2013-09-10
- RT @GACourts: Justices Weigh In On Open Courts #scog… http://t.co/qYcDKwoXz2 09:09:25, 2013-09-10
- RT @Eloqua: 6 Ways To Maximize Your Webinars With Automation Technology http://t.co/JeQew9PzRD #webinars #marketingautomation 09:40:00, 2013-09-10
- RT @Dries: The truth behind the most epic #twerk fail ever http://t.co/WnUBT9h51n They fooled me again. 09:45:44, 2013-09-10
- RT @audreywatters: Google partners w/ EdX, contributes code to open source MOOC platform http://t.co/CKjT69nhLQ 09:46:50, 2013-09-10
- RT @casetext: We're looking for a CTO interested in helping us democratize the law. https://t.co/1n7Lml3A5I 16:32:00, 2013-09-10
- RT @caliorg: CALI's Mini-Webinars for September. #lawschool faculty and librarians – learn how we can help you! http://t.co/jyTQxzB6iK 16:32:44, 2013-09-10
- In case anyone's wondering, it seems that fewer than half of US #lawschools have visible news feeds, either RSS or Atom. 18:57:19, 2013-09-10
- @johnpmayer Maybe. Approach seems like a good idea. Planned extensions of the platform seem to cover everything except law. in reply to johnpmayer 20:56:50, 2013-09-10
- RT @johnpmayer: short video guide to using H2O – Harvard law's DIY course materials website http://t.co/2N6Epx9XXj 20:58:04, 2013-09-10
- RT @CMLawLibrary: New blog post: Free CALI Ebooks – One by Professor Browne Lewis! http://t.co/LBbXRtP2xo 21:10:49, 2013-09-10
My Twitter Digest for 09/09/2013
- From my blog: Did You Know A Swollen Battery Could KO Your MacBook Pro’s Trackpad? | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/iBcD9XaWJq 07:55:56, 2013-09-09
- RT @wpmayor: WordPress ShortCodes: Creation, Parameters and Benefits http://t.co/GH5e4w1O5P
#wordpress 08:16:40, 2013-09-09 - RT @richards1000: http://t.co/Cy45LYyeSl new from @ColinStarger : Visualizing case law: Dissents and Competing Traditions 08:18:03, 2013-09-09
- The UALR Bowen School of Law has become the third co-sponsor of the Institute for Law Teaching and Learning (ILTL) http://t.co/qlH8tzTKYx 10:50:04, 2013-09-09
- RT @radar: Trinket http://t.co/HBrmjfpuZC "Adafruit’s latest microcontroller board. Small but perfectly formed." -@gnat 14:53:31, 2013-09-09
- Smashwords Releases 250,000th Indie E-Book http://t.co/Z5cljETTwu 16:33:20, 2013-09-09
- RT @bethnoveck: #gov30 syllabus updated to new URL http://t.co/4arkwjqG2W @TheGovLab 23:14:48, 2013-09-09
- RT @glambert: Martin Truex Jr. out of Chase, Ryan Newman in http://t.co/0zBofkvoT0 via @zite 23:19:15, 2013-09-09
My Twitter Digest for 09/08/2013
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/i8Dv1pZb9Q Sept 11 Webinar: Online Resources and Innovative Technologies to Assist the Unrepresented @LSNTAP … 09:23:00, 2013-09-08
- RT @naypinya: "everyone's a winner" very pleased to date with applications for Books in Browsers IV Hackday! very few spaces left. http://t… 15:36:25, 2013-09-08
- @sglassmeyer @Jacob_Heller @johnpmayer @adelevie Remember @caliorg has free and open casebooks w/ CC-BY-SA license at http://t.co/bhVSVJqvDZ in reply to sglassmeyer 15:45:35, 2013-09-08
Did You Know A Swollen Battery Could KO Your MacBook Pro’s Trackpad?
Who would have thought that a swollen battery would knockout my MacBook Pro’s trackpad. Not I, but it is true.
Over the past few months I’ve been having odd issues with the trackpad on my 15 inch, late 2008 MBP. It would often start out a session fine but get less responsive until it just refused to click. Swipe gestures were fine, but clicking was like tapping on a counter top, nothing happened. The reassuring click was gone. This progressed until the trackpad no longer clicked at all. To make matters worse plugging in a mouse didn’t help. The USB mouse’s behavior was erratic and useless.1»
I figured I was looking at either some sort of costly repair or a challenging DIY project to replace the trackpad. So my Internet research began. A search for “macbook pro trackpad broken” yields all sorts of interesting results, most resulting in the replacement of the wonky trackpad. A few reports seemed to indicate that recent software updates to OSX were at issue and suggested software fixes. Those didn’t work. I figured I was looking at a pricey repair, but I kept digging mostly with an eye toward a DIY repair.
Then it appeared, a couple of mentions that battery issues could be the cause. Reports that removing the battery got the trackpad working again. Finally a post or two indicating that aging MBP batteries had a tendency to swell. Since the battery sits directly below the trackpad, the swell pushes on the trackpad and prevents clicking. The pressure is also registered as a continual hold on the pad causing unpredictable behavior or the computer and cursor and messing with input from external devices like a USB mouse.2»
I flipped my Mac over and took out the battery, plugged the MBP into the wall and booted it up. And the trackpad worked like it was brand new. Now I just need a new battery, not a couple hundred dollars of repairs.