- Want 4,000 pages of free science fiction, no pirating required? TeleRead: News and views on e-books,… http://t.co/5uaHzpIfNy 08:47:16, 2013-07-19
- RT @trbruce: See especially Rule #2 : http://t.co/soFoKa0uLG 09:35:21, 2013-07-19
My Twitter Digest for 07/18/2013
- RT @davewiner: I wanted more Game of Thrones, so I dreamt a new plot, in modern days, with Night's Watch characters climbing things in the … 08:29:25, 2013-07-18
- RT @Dries: Hyperloop: riding sound's density peak to exploit the drag equation http://t.co/phrNvxRpUP 08:36:38, 2013-07-18
- @ProfJonathan The craziness of the VZW's Family Share plans led me to just dump them altogether after being a customer for over a decade. in reply to ProfJonathan 09:47:49, 2013-07-18
- @ProfJonathan I liked all that too, but it became clear they were all about soaking the customer for every penny. in reply to ProfJonathan 09:52:40, 2013-07-18
- @ProfJonathan We bought older smart phones and use a pay-as-you-go plan that runs on Sprint. It's working well and we don't feel ripped off. in reply to ProfJonathan 09:55:54, 2013-07-18
- RT @richmccue: San Jose Udacity Project on 'Pause' #MOOC fever abating? http://t.co/P6sH6L7CUu 09:58:37, 2013-07-18
- RT @huwie: EPub Zero, eBook Zero or E0: a simplified ebook format, complementary to ePub 2, 3, HTML5 based package: http://t.co/jzz9MohiB0 … 11:12:59, 2013-07-18
- RT @mediacurrent: Weather .com Moving to #Drupal http://t.co/bSaTh8bJPE 12:28:58, 2013-07-18
- @jqheywood @sglassmeyer You kids. I took the whole week off. That's how the pros do it. Tomorrow: National Train Show just down the road. in reply to jqheywood 19:56:36, 2013-07-18
- @johnpmayer It'd be nice if the paper were available. Hard to get to excited by an abstract. in reply to johnpmayer 20:03:10, 2013-07-18
- ABA Standards Review Committee votes for 6 credits of experiential learning http://t.co/SLRtkozS5c via @CELTLawBlog 20:05:54, 2013-07-18
- Report shows law school is still a good investment | Inside Higher Ed http://t.co/wc2G2Ijw7W 20:11:19, 2013-07-18
My Twitter Digest for 07/17/2013
- RT @brianlbaker: This does not bode well for the future of American legal education. http://t.co/ZeO3r4xAzv 09:03:31, 2013-07-17
- RT @StateDecoded: .@FoundOpenGov has launched Baltimore Decoded, powered by @StateDecoded. http://t.co/D3hMG7dg3x 10:29:52, 2013-07-17
- The distant rumble of thunder on a warm, sunny summer day. 15:21:41, 2013-07-17
- RT @mojavelinux: .@alvaro_sanchez @CedricChampeau Storing in XHTML is a colossal mistake IMO. It completely breaks separation of content & … 15:23:33, 2013-07-17
- RT @SSRN: We are pleased to announce @maxplanckpress has started a Law Research series within our Legal Network. check it out: http://t.co/… 19:56:23, 2013-07-17
- RT @mlissner: OK, releasing v.1 of @fgbjr and my reporter database! Check it out. It's now 3,100 lines! https://t.co/4WjHAqJoQX 19:59:22, 2013-07-17
- @sglassmeyer that's pretty awesome. Reminds me I should update mine. Maybe something with trains… in reply to sglassmeyer 20:00:45, 2013-07-17
- Majestic lightning, booming thunder with a gentle summer rain. 20:04:00, 2013-07-17
My Twitter Digest for 07/16/2013
- RT @BetaList: LawTrades: Quickly connects people to lawyers http://t.co/DAUIiGFDdx 09:15:30, 2013-07-16
- RT @trbruce: We've got FDA guidance. Go here: http://t.co/91gz024Cgf and click the FDA Guidance link in the toolbox at upper right. 09:18:58, 2013-07-16
- @hmorrell @jqheywood @johnpmayer would be interesting. in reply to hmorrell 12:19:36, 2013-07-16
- RT @sglassmeyer: Empty road. Lit "do
not walk" sign. Librarians
Do not walk across.
#aall13 #haiku 12:22:24, 2013-07-16 - @hmorrell @jqheywood @johnpmayer That would be pretty awesome. Since we're at Harvard, maybe some sort of Berkman fellows reunion? in reply to hmorrell 12:28:28, 2013-07-16
- "@sglassmeyer: Make data (1) useable (2) searchable (3) accessible #AALL13" One would think librarians are already doing that, right? 12:46:12, 2013-07-16
- @sglassmeyer I'll do it. I'll even build the API. in reply to sglassmeyer 14:38:01, 2013-07-16
- RT @mojavelinux: A preview of our workshop at #OSCON 2013 on docs, web publishing & content strategy. http://t.co/yqosgIOnI7 #asciidoc #awe… 14:40:47, 2013-07-16
- RT @sglassmeyer: but then locked in apple silo. 🙁 “@marywhisner: You can create course books in iBooks. #aall13” 18:31:57, 2013-07-16
- RT @mlissner: @fgbjr and I gathered up metadata on all the reporters in the Blue Book. 2,700 lines and growing: https://t.co/cx0YgU2VcD 20:02:39, 2013-07-16
My Twitter Digest for 07/15/2013
- RT @pressbooks: New Feature: PressBooks Catalog Pages: http://t.co/X80ZQTMrDb 09:05:42, 2013-07-15
- RT @NoelSemple: #Crowdfunding for #a2j ? Check out @justaccess http://t.co/x9uyf9rmk8 09:07:30, 2013-07-15
- RT @trbruce: The business value of ontologies, in a nutshell. http://t.co/kDoGluUsrE 09:09:35, 2013-07-15
- RT @EJWalters: MT @BoingBoing: Special shootout to all the librarians out there; your sneaky “let people access knowledge for free” conspir… 09:59:21, 2013-07-15
- RT @DaveHolmes: Are young people aware that they are not required to drink Pabst Blue Ribbon? 21:20:36, 2013-07-15
My Twitter Digest for 07/14/2013
- The Law Librarian Blog suggests "Law Schools & the Free Access to Law Movement" as alt to #AALL13 keynote. http://t.co/guPXk0Z9nd #CALIcon13 08:28:24, 2013-07-14
- RT @fgbjr: From the MLZ reference manager: abbreviation lists https://t.co/ov0WOVZNOr Making things shorter since 2009 http://t.co/ppeUXKos… 09:45:35, 2013-07-14
- @sglassmeyer I'd suggest referring them to the FAQ "Is Jack Daniel's a bourbon?" at http://t.co/thSuS29Oms. It's Tennessee Whiskey. in reply to sglassmeyer 11:06:02, 2013-07-14
- @debgpi Not Fargo. Wrote slides in Asciidoc, rendered into html with animation from deck.js using Asciidoctor. in reply to debgpi 14:35:12, 2013-07-14
- RT @johnpmayer: A2J demoed at AALL http://t.co/QdqAuyqRGH 18:31:43, 2013-07-14
My Twitter Digest for 07/13/2013
- @KyleKCourtney looks like @aall2013 uses #aall13 and that's official enough for me. Plus shorter is better. in reply to KyleKCourtney 10:25:14, 2013-07-13
- RT @sglassmeyer: I do not understand the continuing promotion of rap genius within the legal info community. It was fun and novel. Now lets… 10:59:41, 2013-07-13
- @anseljh @fgbjr @lawyerist My first experiment with using AsciiDoc for writing is detailed in this Github repo: https://t.co/bySlln93FS in reply to anseljh 11:27:26, 2013-07-13
- @anseljh @fgbjr @lawyerist That repo includes PDF, XHTML, and EPUB generated from a single Asciidoc source. in reply to anseljh 11:28:40, 2013-07-13
- The @caliorg booth at #AALL13 seems to need some work. http://t.co/FpekSCPTBo 11:59:59, 2013-07-13
- The @caliorg booth is coming together. Waiting for @johnpmayer to setup the Hotwheels. #AALL13 http://t.co/0cybk30hzj 13:25:59, 2013-07-13
- It's a new @caliorg banner making its debut at #AALL13. http://t.co/90bmOjlpNL 13:26:14, 2013-07-13
- RT @caliorg: Howdy #aall13 ! Stop by and see us in 217 if you want to chat and play with our hot wheels track! CALI <3 Librarians!!! 17:35:46, 2013-07-13
- RT @wilw: This is a public service announcement (with guitar!) http://t.co/p3bA97ShPr 17:50:15, 2013-07-13
- RT @sglassmeyer: There's a bar set up right next to my booth. No good will come of this #aall13 http://t.co/xGAbRQvooF 18:21:38, 2013-07-13
- @sglassmeyer On my way… in reply to sglassmeyer 18:23:30, 2013-07-13
- The @caliorg booth is all set for #AALL13. Bring on the law librarians. http://t.co/V3p65OKBIw 18:43:05, 2013-07-13
- RT @fgbjr: Dear #aall13: A small gift of abbreviation lists https://t.co/ov0WOVZNOr (a spinoff from work at http://t.co/ppeUXKosBL) Enjoy! 21:55:56, 2013-07-13
My Twitter Digest for 07/12/2013
- RT @jjeff: Decoupling Drupal http://t.co/6smEef4h8T #Lullabot 05:38:41, 2013-07-12
- At the gate about to board flight to Seattle. I hear there's a Jimmy John's near the hotel. #AALL13 13:23:56, 2013-07-12
- RT @sglassmeyer: Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem first make sure you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a… 13:27:35, 2013-07-12
- RT @Westlaw: Access to Justice: AALL Annual Meeting. http://t.co/Sk1xwJLcUy 13:28:24, 2013-07-12
- @jqheywood You rock. I'll figure out how to fit it in during this flight. in reply to jqheywood 13:30:09, 2013-07-12
- "@jqheywood: For all your #aall2013 slide decks: http://t.co/P4npsTF2aI" #AALL13 13:30:50, 2013-07-12
- RT @kirschsubjudice: Well. http://t.co/rKc3GBAoxd 13:31:41, 2013-07-12
- This is new. A wheelchair broke and it's jamming the jet way. No one can get past. Flight delayed, mechanic on the way. 13:50:23, 2013-07-12
- @sglassmeyer my delay is probably cooler than yours. in reply to sglassmeyer 13:51:13, 2013-07-12
- @sglassmeyer from what I overheard, it was a personal chair and it broke being brought out of cargo. in reply to sglassmeyer 13:55:07, 2013-07-12
- @sglassmeyer sadly I think someone's grandma was stuck in the plane for over an hour. I think it's all cleared up now. in reply to sglassmeyer 14:00:11, 2013-07-12
- On the ground in Seattle, waiting for the shuttle to the hotel. I can tell you it's 22 degrees cooler here than in ATL. 20:43:17, 2013-07-12
- RT @johnpmayer: RT @waldojaquith: Idaho demanding that @carlmalamud remove their laws from the Internet, claiming copyright. Absurd. http:/… 20:44:50, 2013-07-12
- RT @davewiner: Eric Davis reorganized his Fargo blog (and the post itself is interesting, the way it's structured). http://t.co/Fp6qEYWX1s 20:50:05, 2013-07-12
- On the shuttle. Lots of law librarians. I'm hoping there's no trouble. #AALL13 21:00:36, 2013-07-12
My Twitter Digest for 07/11/2013
- RT @kaitlinblee: So what you're saying is … two guys have built something as good as Dun and Bradstreet but for free? http://t.co/eoH1kiu… 11:49:53, 2013-07-11
- Trying to figure out how this relates to responsive web design so I can use it my #AALL13 slide deck. Suggestions? http://t.co/Z5q33NuLGI 14:10:04, 2013-07-11
- @sglassmeyer BUT, it's KITTENS and KNITTING! How cute is that? in reply to sglassmeyer 14:14:06, 2013-07-11
- RT @sglassmeyer: Oh man…has any library conference exhibitor ever yarn bombed their booth? That'd be fun. 14:14:15, 2013-07-11
- @sglassmeyer I know where to get yarn http://t.co/PsQYUcAkZ6 in reply to sglassmeyer 14:16:03, 2013-07-11
- RT @caliorg: We can't thank the staff of @ChicagoKentLaw for their help at #CALIcon13 Thank you all so much!!!!! 14:51:31, 2013-07-11
- RT @ChicagoKentLaw: The lovely staff of @caliorg decided to thank CK for hosting #CALIcon13 with an ice cream party! Thanks, CALI! http://t… 14:51:41, 2013-07-11
- My #AALL13 slides are written in #Asciidoc and rendered into HTML using #Asciidoctor and deck.js http://t.co/yfpf9sxYm8 15:15:19, 2013-07-11
- Good thing #AALL13 starts this weekend. Apparently planning for #CALIcon14 is already getting under way. 15:27:38, 2013-07-11
- RT @wilw: Today’s forecast: Cloudy with a chance of SHARKNADO. 16:10:53, 2013-07-11
- RT @zdarsky: @wilw oh my god http://t.co/KmQdlpIDvY 16:12:21, 2013-07-11
- RT @sara_ann_marie: In today's @thepastrybox, I write about how change, fear, and…uh…my cats: http://t.co/h5aJDm9MV3 16:12:31, 2013-07-11
- I know you've been looking for this: Sharknado: Trailer http://t.co/VrDV9lJDdt via @MovieWeb 16:15:47, 2013-07-11
- @KyleKCourtney funny you should ask. #CALIcon14 is at your house. in reply to KyleKCourtney 17:13:46, 2013-07-11
- LaTex is a document prep system, http://t.co/HNx4jyPS8j. It might be useful for lawyers. The discussion list is latex-for-lawyers. Really. 17:32:53, 2013-07-11
- @fgbjr @lawyerist I find Markdown too limiting. I like the Asciidoc toolchain. See http://t.co/WJ2vX1ob5o in reply to fgbjr 18:27:15, 2013-07-11
- @fgbjr @lawyerist Original toolchain is in Python. There is a native Ruby version called Asciidoctor that supports most of orig features. in reply to fgbjr 18:36:10, 2013-07-11
- Wondering if I need to pack my own cat for #AALL13. http://t.co/D7wXUV7IVi 20:46:58, 2013-07-11
- RT @davewiner: Master inventory of canned responses for online dispute resolution. http://t.co/onDA4Uf6Rc 22:11:46, 2013-07-11
- RT @richmccue: How annotation shapes student reading. #LowTech #EdTech http://t.co/RXnl2fldqw 22:14:47, 2013-07-11
My Twitter Digest for 07/10/2013
- RT @TechCrunch: Coursera Gets $43M From The World Bank, Yuri Milner & More To Go Big On Global And Mobile Growth http://t.co/F7tcEI6rM1 by … 07:25:11, 2013-07-10
- Always happy when someone identifies an issue, figures out a solution, and then actually implements the solution. Issue solved = good thing. 07:57:57, 2013-07-10
- Many #Google sites seem to be offline at the moment. Is it just me? 08:27:05, 2013-07-10
- #Google Drive, Calendar, redirects through Gmail not working. On phone no access to Play. OTOH, even w/o Google, Internet still running. in reply to emasters 08:29:57, 2013-07-10
- Unless of course the page you're looking for has lots of #Google ads in it. Then it ain't loading right either. in reply to emasters 08:41:13, 2013-07-10
- #Google Analytics, Plus, Adsense API and JS includes are bot running properly and that is breaking the Internet. So much for free and open. 08:45:43, 2013-07-10
- #Google Feedburner and Feedproxy stuff not working either. What a mess. I may need to fall back on my Yahoo mail account to get stuff done. 08:55:38, 2013-07-10
- The hashtag to watch this morning is #googledown because it is and it is breaking the Internet. 09:04:56, 2013-07-10
- RT @lifehacker: A number of users are unable to access Google services right now. Don't forget these tricks Gmail when it's down: http://t.… 09:06:58, 2013-07-10
- Wondering why my Twitter feed is not filling with news about #Google being down. Twitter as news outlet has blind spots. 09:29:59, 2013-07-10
- And yes, I am running a search on #googledown but I do wonder why no one I follow has noticed. Tech media seems strangely silent. in reply to emasters 09:31:20, 2013-07-10
- Now it seems #Google is back. Which is good. 09:41:43, 2013-07-10
- RT @brewster_kahle: Wayback now updated. 350 billion web objects (pages and images) at 7 petabytes! @internetarchive http://t.co/XialDw… 10:31:41, 2013-07-10
- @sglassmeyer @kirschsubjudice I was wondering why I was going. Besides the ban being lifted. in reply to sglassmeyer 12:27:35, 2013-07-10
- RT @Pogue: Cool. Watch the Manhattan skyline grow from 1850-present in 60 seconds. http://t.co/yrazmT9Y36 13:34:46, 2013-07-10
- RT @sjschultze: RT @PrincetonCITP: "Take Over My Dream Job: Associate Director at CITP" by @sjschultze http://t.co/PFCQTgGFhy 15:26:47, 2013-07-10