- RT @jkubicki: Disruptive or empowering? RT @techcocktail: BriefMine: An "Open Source" Big Data Project for the Legal Industry http://t.co/f… 06:54:24, 2013-07-09
- “No, Print is not dead. It’s just waiting to be rediscovered by those worthy of it." @kaibrach on @thepastrybox. http://t.co/pzbq0krUpi in reply to thepastrybox 06:58:14, 2013-07-09
- RT @webchick: Some examples of #Drupal code that NASA has open sourced. Cool! #ESIPDrupal http://t.co/69AG95TJa0 07:56:36, 2013-07-09
- RT @EJWalters: Adding @HeinOnline law review citations to @Fastcase citation analysis / data viz tools will be major big data boost for the… 08:45:50, 2013-07-09
- From my blog: How Twitter Runs And Runs And Runs | <CONTENT /> v.5 http://t.co/3yMfHsA11z 08:47:37, 2013-07-09
- RT @EJWalters: Excited to announce @Fastcase partnership with @HeinOnline this morning. http://t.co/kA8K0LkaeM Integrating both services wi… 08:48:18, 2013-07-09
- RT @glambert: Introducing Library CMS. A Drupal CMS Built For Librarians http://t.co/qI7ZB6C7pi via @zite 08:52:06, 2013-07-09
- RT @sglassmeyer: FastHein is not a merger, but it's a pleasant change to greet news of a legal publishing partnership with a smile instead … 12:12:10, 2013-07-09
- @sglassmeyer Pretty much the same with 'wiki' and 'blog' in web world too. There's so much more interesting stuff going on. in reply to sglassmeyer 15:21:35, 2013-07-09
- @sglassmeyer exactly. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "if there was a wiki…" I'd be in a better place. in reply to sglassmeyer 15:34:07, 2013-07-09
- Longest I've been away from twitter is 7 days, 2 mins started from 01/Jul/2012. #LongestAwayFromTwitter via http://t.co/0PUD5V3MEL 15:39:48, 2013-07-09
- I tweet more than 16% of twitter users . #LongestAwayFromTwitter via http://t.co/0PUD5V3MEL 15:39:48, 2013-07-09
- Man, that espresso wore off fast. 16:05:40, 2013-07-09
- Talking about librarians reminded me I needed to go feed the cats. 17:09:52, 2013-07-09
- That's right, first time in an AALL booth after all these years. "@sglassmeyer: Come visit with Elmer Sat and Sun in our booth at #aall13!" 17:23:52, 2013-07-09
- RT @DukeNews: Lynne O'Brien announced as Duke's first associate vice provost for digital and online education initiatives: http://t.co/0c6j… 21:46:50, 2013-07-09
- RT @richards1000: https://t.co/8yFswqDQ2J "Public .Resource .org Prevails in Free Speech Case Over Publishing Safety Standards" 21:49:00, 2013-07-09
- RT @sglassmeyer: The real iron throne http://t.co/2mSvyglFDp 21:51:19, 2013-07-09
- RT @mojavelinux: Mobile browsers, why is this so hard to understand? I want to select text on a webpage and share *both* the text and the U… 21:51:35, 2013-07-09
My Twitter Digest for 07/08/2013
- RT @gAmUssA: Running Awestruct with Asciidoc on Windows with JRuby http://t.co/LV5qlCluZu 06:34:20, 2013-07-08
- RT @dweinberger: Fantastic set of @BerkmanCenter fellows announced! http://t.co/oFZNR3AMaq 10:00:26, 2013-07-08
- RT @DebQuentel: Thanks to our friends @pencelibrary for their continuing efforts to catalog all things CALI http://t.co/RCtkvsdcQk 10:22:14, 2013-07-08
- RT @ddraper: A University's Offer of Credit for a MOOC Gets No Takers http://t.co/5970G4Z4fY I agree w/ @downes' commentary on why there we… 10:24:00, 2013-07-08
- RT @fgbjr: An offer to Legal Research and Writing instructors http://t.co/o3OUBaJHwu 11:07:47, 2013-07-08
- RT @naypinya: Books in Browsers IV (#bib13) is open now for general registration! http://t.co/rXjyJpEZPH 11:10:56, 2013-07-08
- I am reminded, on occasion, that I toil in a quiet, dusty corner of academia, far removed from the hustle and bustle of the real world. 12:24:38, 2013-07-08
- RT @karenmcgrane: Five questions I ask conference organizers so I can ensure I give the best talk possible. On @thepastrybox: http://t.co/T… 12:28:05, 2013-07-08
- RT @DoWorkTogether: More room to collaborate with the Do task facelift! Learn more at http://t.co/3D0c3sOFQd. 17:10:47, 2013-07-08
How Twitter Runs And Runs And Runs
Everybody has this idea that Twitter is easy. With a little architectural hand waving we have a scalable Twitter, just that simple. Well, it’s not that simple as Raffi Krikorian, VP of Engineering at Twitter, describes in his superb and very detailed presentation on Timelines at Scale.
If you want to know how Twitter works – then start here.It happened gradually so you may have missed it, but Twitter has grown up. It started as a struggling three-tierish Ruby on Rails website to become a beautifully service driven core that we actually go to now to see if other services are down. Quite a change.
Read the article for a good summary of how Twitter runs. As noted, it isn’t all that easy anymore. The entire 38 minute talk is worth listening to, especially for anyone with an interest in designing next generation web apps.
One of the key points in the talk is that Twitter isn’t really a web site, it’s really an API with a web application built on top. The work is in getting the API to run as fast and as effectively as possible. The tech used to accomplish this is interesting because it isn’t just a bunch of database tables, and it is the future of the interactive web.
My Twitter Digest for 07/07/2013
- “@thepastrybox: Freshly Baked: @clearleft on @thepastrybox. http://t.co/dQWK6VFehH” On how we could all use a bit more theater in our lives. in reply to thepastrybox 08:48:47, 2013-07-07
- RT @johnpmayer: RT @carlmalamud: Statement of Public Resource on why the IRS has turned the lights off on the dark money database. http://t… 22:01:38, 2013-07-07
My Twitter Digest for 07/06/2013
- RT @davewiner: Scripting News: Engelbart was sidelined. http://t.co/LkKQDUUJcr 07:40:34, 2013-07-06
- RT @moorehn: I hope this is Peak Derp because it is a stupid and meaningless concept designed only for econo-infighting. http://t.co/cYRfp… 19:23:27, 2013-07-06
- RT @textfiles: Finished adding everything you need for MESS and MAME. http://t.co/FMJfo3nNnv (hiding under chair) 20:32:06, 2013-07-06
- RT @Medium: “Why I canceled my data plan” by @HugoAmsellem https://t.co/AjyD58wD7y 20:46:20, 2013-07-06
My Twitter Digest for 07/05/2013
- Just a reminder: Hotmail accounts are not accepted when registering on the @caliorg website. See http://t.co/E1jEjoxOn0 for details. 09:03:33, 2013-07-05
- Law Librarian Blog: Is Seton Hall Law Going to Terminate Its Junior Faculty? http://t.co/UAX6LFlnFF 09:25:34, 2013-07-05
- RT @SAI: Porn is the hidden engine that drives innovation in tech http://t.co/lgBj7BO4ll 11:52:04, 2013-07-05
- RT @EJWalters: New app from @probono partner CitizenshipWorks helps smooth the path to citizenship: http://t.co/W17hmsTpNy 11:55:51, 2013-07-05
- RT @ChicagoKentLaw: Learn about flipped classrooms, lawyering in the digital age, the Oyez Project, and iPad apps for lawyers. http://t.co/… 11:56:29, 2013-07-05
- @mlissner record on your phone, push to self-hosted WordPress with Podpress plugin. Pretty straight forward and very portable. in reply to mlissner 12:02:46, 2013-07-05
- RT @AvoidComments: Don't do it! Don't give in. There are people who love you. Don't throw your life away by reading internet comments. 12:42:03, 2013-07-05
- RT @aall2013: The heat will be from being next to the hipsters #aall13 http://t.co/pbrCRyt8A1 12:42:43, 2013-07-05
- RT @eaton: Taking a coursera course on game theory. Developing a deep suspicion of the words, “Let’s assume…” 12:43:01, 2013-07-05
- 'Forgotten' Third Amendment Surfaces in Nevada Case – Law Blog – WSJ http://t.co/B6aTS8N2RK 13:08:53, 2013-07-05
- @sglassmeyer In that post I like the closing bit about the 3rd being a "Rosetta Stone" for interpreting the Bill of Rights. in reply to sglassmeyer 13:19:13, 2013-07-05
- @sglassmeyer It shines a bright light on the mindset of our Founding Fathers and their very real concern about a too powerful central gov't. in reply to sglassmeyer 13:33:34, 2013-07-05
- @sglassmeyer In many ways the Bill of Rights addresses injustices brought upon the colonies in the waning years of British control. in reply to emasters 13:36:23, 2013-07-05
- @EJWalters @Westlaw Wow. Seems like we may need to comment on this. Will TR provide access to gov data they are sole source for? in reply to EJWalters 15:08:31, 2013-07-05
- RT @j4n0: Book authoring platform from O'Reilly: web based, Asciidoc, Git (fork, issues, collaborators), HTML5, live comments http://t.co/k… 16:19:12, 2013-07-05
My Twitter Digest for 07/04/2013
- RT @griffey: LibraryBox v2.0 may hit 600% funded today. Would be another great milestone! http://t.co/vZt8Fzu3FR 09:42:14, 2013-07-04
- RT @johnpmayer: "..RSS, semantic markup, microformats, & open APIs all enable interoperability..big players don’t want that.." http://t.co/… 09:46:11, 2013-07-04
- Watching leaves dance in a gentle summer rain. 09:51:58, 2013-07-04
- @sglassmeyer here's the view from living room… http://t.co/28nR2hZp0Y in reply to sglassmeyer 10:06:51, 2013-07-04
- RT @davewiner: "I can finally appreciate why Dave froze RSS 2.0." http://t.co/uYVQntzYcP 12:23:18, 2013-07-04
- RT @johnpmayer: RT @sglassmeyer: Here's me interviewed at @LawTechCamp I remember talking about @caliorg #A2J and #eLangdell http://t.co/… 17:36:47, 2013-07-04
- RT @textfiles: The world is packed to the fuckin' gills with people saying how things should be done with tiny slivery marbling of people g… 17:39:13, 2013-07-04
- RT @krohleder: This is awful. Includes an honest-to-Madison 3rd Amendment violation. “@JonHenke: Holy crap –> https://t.co/b6rTjEK9tv” 17:44:07, 2013-07-04
My Twitter Digest for 07/03/2013
- RT @Conduit_Law: Law student takes new law course, creates software, wins award http://t.co/Vd1hFFlgdA via @legalpost @MEKowalski @reneekna… 07:06:54, 2013-07-03
- RT @Dries: Google barely shows real search results on http://t.co/UaXzHFdPzr now http://t.co/NwuwU0upbC 07:09:16, 2013-07-03
- @johnpmayer @caliorg the correct link for the new Lesson in Aviation Law is http://t.co/0gPKa0I5gO in reply to johnpmayer 07:15:15, 2013-07-03
- @waldojaquith That's funny. For those following along at home, see the Wikipedia article on SGML at http://t.co/epiQrZlLjM and laugh more. in reply to waldojaquith 09:42:50, 2013-07-03
- RT @sglassmeyer: New Blog Post: Yet Another Model for Law Schools http://t.co/7m9Au3bHKS 13:05:29, 2013-07-03
- RT @richards1000: @johnlsheridan the law-related XML mark-up languages I'm aware of are listed here http://t.co/Ju23dwztwH 13:06:25, 2013-07-03
- RT @sglassmeyer: New Blog Post: Law Schools and the Free Access to Law Movement http://t.co/2XEHvvswtW 14:20:23, 2013-07-03
- @waldojaquith Or programming is cooking with code. in reply to waldojaquith 14:24:51, 2013-07-03
My Twitter Digest for 07/02/2013
- RT @davewiner: Diaspora: What Happened to the Facebook Killer? It's Complicated. http://t.co/aAspR4Sudi 17:17:48, 2013-07-02
- RT @waldojaquith: Wait, PHP seriously supports emoji, at least on Mac OS X. Check out this ridiculous, entirely functional code. http://t.c… 17:19:44, 2013-07-02
- RT @audreywatters: Textbook publisher Cengage files for bankruptcy http://t.co/WdOvCs4utW (h/t @philonedtech) 17:22:49, 2013-07-02
- RT @zunguzungu: This is text from an actual email from an actual coursera professor to actual coursera students. "First, I (cont) http://t.… 19:16:47, 2013-07-02
- RT @jgmilles: I for one would vote Hillary Clinton/Wendy Davis 2016 in a heartbeat. #fb 19:17:26, 2013-07-02
My Twitter Digest for 07/01/2013
- RT @dep4b: Coming Soon to State Decoded http://t.co/1AObTdfDfq #solr 09:56:15, 2013-07-01
- RT @jgmilles: Vermont Law School makes more cuts as class size drops #fb http://t.co/jwAXdaTk7g 10:02:05, 2013-07-01
- RT @schmidtphi: "The moment we introduced badges, people changed their behavior." More contributions per person before badges. #edulearn13 … 10:04:25, 2013-07-01