- “@davewiner: The question of the Internet: Why wasn't I consulted? http://t.co/eWzGkD9XKV” [something to think about! but not a universal.] in reply to davewiner 09:19:04, 2013-11-01
- Found on the net and I've got nothing to add "The future of Federal Reporters: @BrooksBrothers decor – http://t.co/m5KL1Fzk7M " via @TwitPic 10:37:28, 2013-11-01
- RT @davewiner: Poof! There goes the scaling problem. And the need to raise money or sell the users to advertisers. http://t.co/KloyBdEw2b 12:17:15, 2013-11-01
- I think apple slices drizzled with warm caramel are an excellent snack. 15:48:58, 2013-11-01
- Of course mandatory triple hand washing is required after eating and before touching the fancy clicky keyboard. in reply to emasters 16:05:50, 2013-11-01
- Question: What Android apps would you recommend for a law student with a Nexus 7? What about for law faculty? 16:09:01, 2013-11-01
My Twitter Digest for 10/31/2013
- RT @wpmudev: The Diabolical WordPress Toolbox, Martinis and A Beach Somewhere – http://t.co/iG4bkIX7f7 08:30:14, 2013-10-31
- From my blog: Suggestions on How Non-Programmers Can Contribute to Techie Projects | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/Tbh404mndP 09:37:46, 2013-10-31
- RT @johnpmayer: RT @LIICornell: The LII Krewe provides Halloween greetings Krank it up!… http://t.co/3oWO3vjWRG – WARNING, once seen, ca… 09:41:59, 2013-10-31
- RT @SoCalTaxProf: More Grim LSAT News http://t.co/1zchxhVxJA 11:11:59, 2013-10-31
- RT @lawlib: The Historical Software Collection Now Available from the Internet Archive https://t.co/4BU3QoszUq 18:49:48, 2013-10-31
- RT @FreeLawProject: Building the new jurisdiction picker was harder than it seemed. Here's how we did it: http://t.co/Nb01EMcsKE 19:28:17, 2013-10-31
- RT @caliorg: #lawschool Professors, ff you've assigned one of our eLangdell Casebooks, please let us know! email sarah AT cali dot org 19:30:02, 2013-10-31
Suggestions on How Non-Programmers Can Contribute to Techie Projects
I get asked a lot by people who are interested in helping out open source projects, but have absolutely no programming skills. What can they do? Well, here’s a few ideas how non-programmers can contribute to open source projects.
It is worth noting that it is best to contribute to software that you actually use yourself. That way you feel the benefits.
via How non-programmers can contribute to open source projects | opensource.com.
There are many ways to contribute to an open source project that go well beyond being a crack programmer in the language of the day. Indeed many of the suggestions cover ground that many Teknoids are already familiar with in other contexts. We love documentation, for example. Here’s the list:
- Use the product
- Bug test
- Write documentation
- Translation
- Evangelize
- Donate
- Be professional
It is possible to help out other projects and organizations, like CALI, using these suggestions. For example, you could help out CALI by using and recommending our resources, reporting bugs you find, or write some docs on how your law school community could use CALI resources. And let us know if you’re doing any of these, we appreciate all of the support we get.
My Twitter Digest for 10/29/2013
- RT @davewiner: The way Dave Grohl thinks about American Idol and musicians is how I feel about hackathons and software. http://t.co/37e1Ek0… 07:46:13, 2013-10-29
- From my blog: OwnCloud 6 Beta Introduces ownCloud Documents, Collaborative Editing for ODF Docs | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/JgYBm1lXBE 08:58:06, 2013-10-29
- Testing registration on the D7 site across several OSes and browsers. Care to guess which combo works but looks pretty bad doing it? 11:03:45, 2013-10-29
- New from @trbruce: Events and legislative documents » Making Metasausage http://t.co/e24DXkLssm 11:21:20, 2013-10-29
- RT @radar: The BERG Cloud Devkit http://t.co/VEtuZJqn3z "Caution: magic ahead!" – @gnat [This looks like something I could have fun with.] 14:09:17, 2013-10-29
- @sglassmeyer That would just be a lot of PDFs, most of which are already floating around out there anyway. in reply to sglassmeyer 14:40:44, 2013-10-29
- RT @jasnwilsn: As Thomson Reuters announces 3k more layoffs, Smith reaffirms commitment to evolving "into a platform company." http://t.co/… 14:41:14, 2013-10-29
- Since 9/2011 there've been > 43K d/ls of rule & stat supps, casebooks, textbooks, & chapters from eLangdell bookstore http://t.co/gkrYCZCdgn 14:47:10, 2013-10-29
- All eLangdell material is CC licensed #OER. Currently 35 titles covering a number of legal topics. http://t.co/NxnaqGR6WW in reply to emasters 14:51:47, 2013-10-29
- RT @davewiner: EFF: Staff Technologist or Senior Staff Technologist. http://t.co/7bYQLIDbrx 16:47:10, 2013-10-29
- RT @wpmayor: PageLines DMS (Design Management System) Review http://t.co/7OjlxwndOc
#wordpress 22:53:52, 2013-10-29
My Twitter Digest for 10/28/2013
- "Be a wiggly goose, and sneak out when you get the chance. You and your flock will be glad you did" @thepastrybox. http://t.co/v9LoZuFcjm in reply to thepastrybox 08:02:30, 2013-10-28
- RT @waldojaquith: I'm starting a U.S. Open Data Institute, and @knightfdn is providing $250k to fund it. http://t.co/SedzAaE6eJ 22:10:35, 2013-10-28
OwnCloud 6 Beta Introduces ownCloud Documents, Collaborative Editing for ODF Docs
I’m talking about collaborative editing! This feature is implemented in an app called “ownCloud Documents” and will be part of ownCloud 6. People can view and edit their ODF text documents directly in the browser, inside your ownCloud. Another cool thing is that you can invite users from the same ownCloud to work collaboratively on the same document with you. Or you can send invitation links by email to people outside your server to collaborate with you on the document.
via own clouds, social networks and free desktops: Welcome “ownCloud Documents”.
If the addition of collaborative editing features to ownCloud actually works, this is going to be a pretty big breakthrough in the the open source space. It will in effect create a system that will replicate the features of Dropbox plus Google Docs, all in space that is user controlled. It provides the potential for creating self-hosted private and secure collaborative and storage space for groups in a way that just can’t be easily accomplished now.
I’ll be trying the features of ownCloud 6 beta out and will let y’all know how it goes.
My Twitter Digest for 10/27/2013
- RT @RollingStone: Lou Reed has died at age 71: http://t.co/LDr2rv3X0s 13:42:04, 2013-10-27
My Twitter Digest for 10/26/2013
- RT @davewiner: Every few weeks, by total accident, I make a perfect pot of coffee. Today is that day. Yummmm! Every little thing is going t… 09:08:49, 2013-10-26
- RT @davewiner: Github links on Scripting News. http://t.co/Yk6oyia0fe 11:18:32, 2013-10-26
- RT @wpmayor: Best WordPress Plugins and Themes for Documentation Centric Sites http://t.co/BF22qqWGPI
#wordpress 23:00:28, 2013-10-26
My Twitter Digest for 10/25/2013
- RT @mediacurrent: RT @SeascapeWeb: 15 Cool Things you can do with Drupal: http://t.co/YQeXpZTNsI 08:50:56, 2013-10-25
- RT @txtbks: BC announces more open textbooks! Creating 40 for large courses + 20 more for skills training http://t.co/rq9GWZufas #oer 12:23:34, 2013-10-25
My Twitter Digest for 10/24/2013
- On 11/6 @sglassmeyer and I are presenting "Turning GOV into OER: The eLangdell Press Experience" http://t.co/vTazZoNvvW at #opened2013. 11:25:47, 2013-10-24
- Ask @sglassmeyer and I questions, make suggestions and comments via the issue queue http://t.co/wPhtM0QUcD for #opened2013 #eLangdell talk. 11:30:29, 2013-10-24
- @sglassmeyer perhaps you could get @trbruce to help spread the word. I hear he's a big GH fan. in reply to sglassmeyer 11:40:46, 2013-10-24
- RT @waldojaquith: What an embarrassment for Congress. RT @cjoh: Part of the reason we're here? In 1995 Congress lobotomized itself: http://… 11:46:05, 2013-10-24
- Well @sglassmeyer if you want to see some real excitement check this search: http://t.co/JgkJVWe6y0 Hint: MSFT Word + GitHub is possible. in reply to sglassmeyer 11:49:40, 2013-10-24
- @sglassmeyer Very true. New voices appear all the time to keep the convo going. I think that's a good thing. in reply to sglassmeyer 12:26:44, 2013-10-24
- @sglassmeyer And even if it seemed settled, it likely wasn't spread around as it should be. Barney keeps going b/c kids turn 4 every day. in reply to sglassmeyer 12:30:09, 2013-10-24
- OATs: Open Access Textbooks – Library Guides! at Iowa State University points to lots of good #OER stuff. http://t.co/O0Wiset9pG 13:47:05, 2013-10-24
- RT @sglassmeyer: What We Want From Law Professors http://t.co/KRlQXjYjCV via @atlblog // Wow. 17:22:29, 2013-10-24
- Basic functionality for running @caliorg Lessons on our new Drupal 7 site is in place. Pretty exciting. 18:01:52, 2013-10-24
- RT @Will___Ferrell: Sometimes I'll think, "How sad for Canada that Bryan Adams is their Springsteen," but then I remember I don't have heal… 18:02:03, 2013-10-24
- RT @kevinokeefe: 205 jobs eliminated at Martindale-Hubbell and Martindale's http://t.co/GBfgj31PKg http://t.co/sfJCptUcQh via @LawTechNews 20:28:19, 2013-10-24