- RT @benkeele: Law Review Articles Need A Makeover, Study Finds http://t.co/THkyjugSzM via @NationalLawJrnl 10:25:16, 2013-10-11
- RT @caliorg: Free Webcast – All About CALI Lessons | CALI – Your partner in legal education and technology. http://t.co/ROc1CZ8ZXQ 11:34:06, 2013-10-11
- From my blog: Why Email Is A Fail #768 | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/6JVBYY7DIX 12:07:48, 2013-10-11
- RT @caliorg: ICYMI, The CALI Webinar schedule is up through Thanksgiving. http://t.co/uqUJzfg27D Topics of interest to law… http://t.co/a… 12:39:43, 2013-10-11
- RT @timoreilly: Wow. Just wow. Read this MT @pahlkadot: I'm with The Oatmeal. No more Columbus Day. From now on, it's Bartolome Day. http:/… 16:18:20, 2013-10-11
My Twitter Digest for 10/10/2013
- RT @sabram: The Ten Types of Innovation: … http://t.co/UarXUKooQN 07:44:50, 2013-10-10
- RT @DebQuentel: The Working Group on Distance Learning in Legal Education Fall Meeting http://t.co/Lty2CKEmjd 13:06:39, 2013-10-10
- RT @wpmudev: How To Create A WordPress Post-List Wonderwall – The Bounce Pop http://t.co/FVwsuhQCdC 13:18:37, 2013-10-10
- RT @drtriathlon: Added vids that try combine theory & practice -> presentations. Still crafting msg, but some is better than none.. https:/… 19:15:16, 2013-10-10
- RT @tef: teaching programming is about 50% explaining and about 50% apologising for how awful the tools are 21:07:05, 2013-10-10
Why Email Is A Fail #768
One of the failings of email is the ease with which topics get stolen. The subject drift in email threads is often stunning. And it then clouds the original questions which don’t get answered.
I understand why this happens. A question or statement in a message triggers a thought that is somehow related to the topic so a reply is fired into the thread.
And boom!
Before you know it an email thread has gone from A to F without getting the discussion needed around A. Then someone needs to step up and redirect back to A. But what about C? That was a good topic too, but it’s lost now.
There must be a better solution. Maybe a threaded forum that made it easy to branch the topic to another discussion would help. Anything would be better than my email folders.
My Twitter Digest for 10/09/2013
- RT @aabibliographer: Yes! — Why Do We Keep Making Ebooks Like Paper Books? http://t.co/wWwB5jCLwB 09:36:04, 2013-10-09
- RT @davewiner: Why does every conference try to emulate TED? 10:49:10, 2013-10-09
- @richards1000 Thanks for the tip. @sglassmeyer @Clicklaw in reply to richards1000 14:48:19, 2013-10-09
- RT @KenHirsh: My suggested [permanent] resolution to the debt ceiling issue http://t.co/Hdjn2o2vE3 15:53:44, 2013-10-09
- 3 Geeks and a Law Blog: Show Me The Innovation http://t.co/rS9vDPLQO0 [Hint: there isn't that much going on that's innovative.] 17:04:45, 2013-10-09
- CALI Webinars – Classcaster, Open Access/OER and more! -CALI Spotlight Blog http://t.co/F6aorI7nOe 18:13:57, 2013-10-09
- The most challenging thing about being ahead of your time is knowing when the time is right to reinvigorate those ideas whose time has come. 18:25:38, 2013-10-09
- From my blog: The Debate Over Digital Textbooks Goes On and On | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/NltVTEJhgN 18:39:12, 2013-10-09
- RT @Westlaw: All joking aside, the time for legal innovation is now – http://t.co/qHlWliqlri (@kminervino) 18:48:17, 2013-10-09
- RT @FreeLawProject: Announcing 11 new courts in 6 jurisdictions added to @courtlistener, providing 46,000 opinions and realtime updates. ht… 18:49:42, 2013-10-09
- RT @davewiner: Sen. Ted Cruz Vows Not To Raise Nation's Debt Ceiling Until Union Admits To Losing Civil War. http://t.co/7M0xKa7wGu 21:29:41, 2013-10-09
The Debate Over Digital Textbooks Goes On and On
[W]hat’s going on here? A few things:
1) Most educators don’t know squat about IT. …
2) The management standards just aren’t there yet. …
3) The content makers privilege DRM protection over usability. …
4) The price is prohibitive. …
The article looks at a couple of recent pieces on the ongoing debate about the actual value of digital textbooks. While I think there is a future in digital course materials, it is likely that the current models of providing digital textbooks are doomed mainly for the 4 reasons cited in the article.
I believe the future of digital course and learning resources isn’t in the poor replication of the print books on DRM locked proprietary platforms that place profit over education but in the creation of new all digital resources created with education and learning in mind, not investor profits.
My Twitter Digest for 10/08/2013
- RT @lifehacker: Firefox is still the most customizable browsers around. Here are the best about:config tweaks that make it awesome: http://… 07:58:44, 2013-10-08
- AZ is planning the same sort of system: http://t.co/Z8f3iFmYY4 @waldojaquith Hard to believe this the land of the free anymore. in reply to waldojaquith 13:49:38, 2013-10-08
- @waldojaquith It is a sad state of affairs when state governments seek to seriously limit who can vote. Should be trying to make it easier. in reply to waldojaquith 13:53:53, 2013-10-08
- Here you go: #CALIcon14 : The Next Wave. June 19 – 21 2014 at Harvard Law School. Details to follow. 15:02:47, 2013-10-08
My Twitter Digest for 10/07/2013
- RT @sglassmeyer: It'd be interesting to put general 1L curriculum on github and see how people (profs, students, practitioners) fork it. 06:59:31, 2013-10-07
- "Too often we say we want to push boundaries … only to be constrained by our own uncertainty." http://t.co/OSU7tM52cJ @thepastrybox 07:06:50, 2013-10-07
- RT @BenBalter: Took a page from @holman and @mdo's playbook and stood up an "ask me anything" repo on @GitHub. Let's talk open gov: http://… 10:24:43, 2013-10-07
- RT @freegovinfo: A Machiavellian Guide to Destroying Public Universities in 12 Easy Steps. http://t.co/U988NObp9G 12:24:35, 2013-10-07
- RT @karenmcgrane: "Good design arises as much from the internal structure of a company as from whether or not it’s a priority." http://t.co… 12:31:02, 2013-10-07
- RT @sglassmeyer: Never get in a land war in Asia and never try to out passive-aggressive a librarian. 16:05:09, 2013-10-07
My Twitter Digest for 10/06/2013
- RT @davewiner: Colbert King: The tea party resurrects the spirit of the Old Confederacy. http://t.co/hxjauUyO60 15:59:01, 2013-10-06
My Twitter Digest for 10/05/2013
- RT @davewiner: Jeffrey Kishner: Post OPML to WordPress. http://t.co/a5Z1ZfLQM2 00:06:20, 2013-10-05
- Revisit your work: @nicoleslaw on @thepastrybox. http://t.co/jfCkllv2Le [I did this recently and relaunched a couple of projects.] in reply to thepastrybox 08:07:43, 2013-10-05
My Twitter Digest for 10/04/2013
- RT @shlew: LOC website is back http://t.co/WMLTEvCAZk 11:46:32, 2013-10-04
- That's false @sglassmeyer as standard 306 certainly allows for distance ed credits; if 2/3 of course is butts in seats it isn't distance ed. in reply to sglassmeyer 13:51:09, 2013-10-04
- @sglassmeyer See standard 306 at http://t.co/WueClnAuzo (PDF) and especially Interpretation 306-3 which would cover hybrid/flipped classes. in reply to emasters 13:55:22, 2013-10-04
- Also @sglassmeyer the current Standard 306 has been in place since about 2002, so no excuse for not having some hybrid/flipped elements. in reply to emasters 14:05:55, 2013-10-04
- For bonus points @sglassmeyer an online tutorial by Peter Martin on putting law classes online http://t.co/vVgBSjOcg4 From 2004! @caliorg in reply to sglassmeyer 14:07:50, 2013-10-04
- @sglassmeyer Not to mention countless CALIcon sessions over the past decade dealing with this issue. #LawSchoolsShouldJustDoIt! in reply to emasters 14:09:34, 2013-10-04
- @sglassmeyer Example: a 3 credit course that meets 3 times a week could move one of those sessions online and NOT be considered DE. in reply to emasters 14:11:45, 2013-10-04
- @trbruce @cornell_lii I was there providing a certain level of tech support. CU-SeeMe was amazing software. in reply to trbruce 14:14:03, 2013-10-04
- @sglassmeyer And that would still leave 12 credits of real DE that could count to a JD. AFAIK no law school has a program that does that. in reply to emasters 14:16:43, 2013-10-04
- RT @sglassmeyer: Why is it that areas of law student development deemed most important are handled by lowest rung law school employees -cli… 15:58:05, 2013-10-04
- RT @rmortiz: Another takeaway: must get started early, no last minute prep when flipping the classroom. @lawlibne #llnefall2013 15:58:47, 2013-10-04
- RT @sglassmeyer: #ETLConference I'm thinking law school innovation has made it past first wave and now early majority ready to go http://t.… 16:49:38, 2013-10-04
- @sglassmeyer Seems odd that they want to keep focus on scholarship but are willing to sacrifice library. Good scholars kill for lib access. in reply to sglassmeyer 18:23:45, 2013-10-04
- @sglassmeyer I would contend that a scholarly community is only as good as its library. in reply to sglassmeyer 18:26:51, 2013-10-04
- @sglassmeyer I would want that great library to OWN vast collections of electronic materials + physical volumes to support scholarship. in reply to emasters 18:31:45, 2013-10-04