- Many law schools report steep decline in enrollment. http://t.co/Q2Tdo8xw1U 08:03:50, 2014-02-19
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/VyOq5E3AMU @euklid 's Open Law Search software, made at Law Mining Hackathon at OKCon 2013, used in @OpenLaws… 08:05:45, 2014-02-19
- RT @SAI: Google invests in education startup valued at $1 billion http://t.co/wvzJv82qt3 08:27:50, 2014-02-19
- RT @jgmilles: Good news, everyone! I'll be speaking at Igniting Law Teaching on April 4, on Returning the Client to the Classroom. http://t… 13:14:00, 2014-02-19
- My Twitter Digest for 02/18/2014 http://t.co/lTxA9X11Se 15:30:19, 2014-02-19
- RT @uscode: US Code: Classifications for Pub. L. 113-82 and 113-83 available on http://t.co/OrLvuzeI4R 16:04:30, 2014-02-19
- RT @waldojaquith: Want to serve up your website via SSL? See @konklone's guide. You don't even have to spend any money. https://t.co/wuLNRx… 16:07:50, 2014-02-19
- RT @sglassmeyer: Northwestern law takes $1 mil donation and puts it towards flipped classroom #legaled http://t.co/mFi6gT2Ft4 22:30:35, 2014-02-19
- RT @clintlalonde: I think @txtbks will appreciate this excellent advocacy work by @SFSS1 > Sick of paying up to $150 for a textbook? http:/… 23:46:29, 2014-02-19