- RT @johnpmayer: RT @LegalEDweb: @caliorg We are excited to be there! #CALIcon14 at Harvard Law School, 6/19-21/14 register now … http://t… 13:16:41, 2014-05-01
- RT @sglassmeyer: Praise the Lord and submit the pull request. 14:38:50, 2014-05-01
- @sglassmeyer It is. The airlines are paying the TSA to screen the bags. Not that worrying about bag size distracts from spotting bad things. in reply to sglassmeyer 14:41:06, 2014-05-01
- RT @bjchapm: Vagrant is cool! http://t.co/qfibjl47rk Playing around with spinning up virtualbox machines. #virtualbox #vagrant 14:56:55, 2014-05-01
- RT @bnix: Why Motivating Others Starts With Using The Right Language http://t.co/f9OkKuteF1 15:10:11, 2014-05-01
- Here's a word cloud of the top words used in titles of #CALIcon14 sessions. Full list is at http://t.co/qwHtVzyZy1 http://t.co/LyOKRsqijj 15:23:08, 2014-05-01
- My Twitter Digest for 04/30/2014 http://t.co/Jdlqsxc2Lj 15:30:44, 2014-05-01
- RT @davewiner: Heroku Announces Support for the New PHP. http://t.co/pzpgGVLXPd 16:30:58, 2014-05-01
- RT @CanLII: As @fodden retires http://t.co/wVmApvRsyo, we thank him his enormous contribution to open access to legal knowledge through @s… 16:31:50, 2014-05-01
- RT @ddraper: EduClipper http://t.co/wy1X3gOzpw #csdedtech 17:01:39, 2014-05-01
- RT @waldojaquith: There are thousands of us who started using PHP in 1998–1999 solely because they had a *really* sweet-looking website. 17:02:24, 2014-05-01
- Google Quits Scanning Email, Permanently Kills Ads For Apps for Education Customers http://t.co/b6BiTa6iNA http://t.co/PyVvdUxAvj 17:14:23, 2014-05-01