- RT @johnpmayer: RT @LegalEDweb: @caliorg We are excited to be there! #CALIcon14 at Harvard Law School, 6/19-21/14 register now … http://t… 13:16:41, 2014-05-01
- RT @sglassmeyer: Praise the Lord and submit the pull request. 14:38:50, 2014-05-01
- @sglassmeyer It is. The airlines are paying the TSA to screen the bags. Not that worrying about bag size distracts from spotting bad things. in reply to sglassmeyer 14:41:06, 2014-05-01
- RT @bjchapm: Vagrant is cool! http://t.co/qfibjl47rk Playing around with spinning up virtualbox machines. #virtualbox #vagrant 14:56:55, 2014-05-01
- RT @bnix: Why Motivating Others Starts With Using The Right Language http://t.co/f9OkKuteF1 15:10:11, 2014-05-01
- Here's a word cloud of the top words used in titles of #CALIcon14 sessions. Full list is at http://t.co/qwHtVzyZy1 http://t.co/LyOKRsqijj 15:23:08, 2014-05-01
- My Twitter Digest for 04/30/2014 http://t.co/Jdlqsxc2Lj 15:30:44, 2014-05-01
- RT @davewiner: Heroku Announces Support for the New PHP. http://t.co/pzpgGVLXPd 16:30:58, 2014-05-01
- RT @CanLII: As @fodden retires http://t.co/wVmApvRsyo, we thank him his enormous contribution to open access to legal knowledge through @s… 16:31:50, 2014-05-01
- RT @ddraper: EduClipper http://t.co/wy1X3gOzpw #csdedtech 17:01:39, 2014-05-01
- RT @waldojaquith: There are thousands of us who started using PHP in 1998–1999 solely because they had a *really* sweet-looking website. 17:02:24, 2014-05-01
- Google Quits Scanning Email, Permanently Kills Ads For Apps for Education Customers http://t.co/b6BiTa6iNA http://t.co/PyVvdUxAvj 17:14:23, 2014-05-01
Google Quits Scanning Email, Permanently Kills Ads For Apps for Education Customers
Today, we’re taking additional steps to enhance the educational experience for Apps for Education customers:
- We’ve permanently removed the “enable/disable” toggle for ads in the Apps for Education Administrator console. This means ads in Apps for Education services are turned off and administrators no longer have the option or ability to turn ads in these services on.
- We’ve permanently removed all ads scanning in Gmail for Apps for Education, which means Google cannot collect or use student data in Apps for Education services for advertising purposes.
via Official Google Enterprise Blog: Protecting Students with Google Apps for Education.
Good news! This is especially important for K-12 edu users. No more scanning of email by Google really will help support privacy issues surrounding use of Gmail in education. Personally I’m happy they won’t be scanning at least one of my email accounts.
My Twitter Digest for 04/30/2014
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/KIARUxFagu @caminick : Courthouse News Wins First Amendment Case for Access to Court Records. @OnwardJustia 08:30:15, 2014-04-30
- #CALIcon14 session acceptance notes should be going out as soon as I get back from lunch. In case anyone is waiting. http://t.co/dQ5TOWkIzZ 12:21:23, 2014-04-30
- RT @DebQuentel: Great OEM story – "Building a Successful Open Access Textbook Collection on Your Campus" http://t.co/aHiKqLsI7Q 12:22:06, 2014-04-30
- We're experiencing some access issues with http://t.co/gQkBewK6uC right now. We're looking into it and will post updates. @caliorg 15:13:04, 2014-04-30
- My Twitter Digest for 04/29/2014 http://t.co/C2HcYw4CVh 15:30:19, 2014-04-30
- And we're back. http://t.co/gQkBewK6uC is all ready to serve up those Lessons. It was a network issue we'd never seen before. @caliorg 16:44:22, 2014-04-30
- @DanBlackaby that's news to me. I'll look into it. in reply to DanBlackaby 16:52:01, 2014-04-30
- @DanBlackaby Fixed now. Technically you only needed to be logged out to see the Register link in the menu. Thanks for reporting it. in reply to DanBlackaby 17:03:20, 2014-04-30
- RT @RollingStone: #ICYMI Matt Damon and Ben Affleck will resurrect the filmmaking documentary series 'Project Greenlight' for HBO: http://t… 20:52:02, 2014-04-30