- RT @naypinya: reimagining peer review through open web tools: a summit report from @kfitz, AGU, arXiv, @elife and @hypothes_is https://t.co… 10:54:43, 2014-06-07
- RT @arstechnica: Genes may be key as California Chrome aims for racehorse history books http://t.co/SNkIFDE7S8 by @akshatrathi 11:11:50, 2014-06-07
- My Twitter Digest for 06/06/2014 http://t.co/KuE6MMetB7 15:30:05, 2014-06-07
- RT @davewiner: Little Pork Chop announcement: The easiest way to tweet a storm! http://t.co/Xz6OkfdPiB 21:47:33, 2014-06-07