- RT @bjchapm: Getting ready for #calicon14 Installing VirtualBox on OSX http://t.co/gYjIXGH6gs 09:43:59, 2014-06-16
- RT @EJWalters: This is the last week to nominate someone (or yourself) for the 2014 @Fastcase 50 award! http://t.co/dpyjMsRcHh http://t.co/… 09:45:30, 2014-06-16
- These sessions open Thurs morning at #CALIcon14 will great. 50 more will follow Register today http://t.co/gexkd56NtG http://t.co/cRq3BkIqG2 09:50:08, 2014-06-16
- RT @johnpmayer: The Disruption Machine
What the gospel of innovation gets wrong./Jill Lepore http://t.co/iHrN2PuT6s – calls BS on "disrupti… 10:40:20, 2014-06-16 - RT @bjchapm: .@johnpmayer You're welcome! Looking forward to it. Sign up here: http://t.co/WuAwdKG3SL #calicon14 VirtualBox and Linux Mint. 14:05:04, 2014-06-16
- My Twitter Digest for 06/15/2014 http://t.co/YlkGmvqx6b 15:31:26, 2014-06-16
- @johnpmayer seems like yet another tech certification scheme. I'm sure they'll sell millions of them, but will ATT pay more if you have one? in reply to johnpmayer 16:28:30, 2014-06-16